POST /api/dms/objects/{objectId}/tags/{name}/state/{state}

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Summer | component version 2020 Summer
Request MethodPOST
Response FormatJSON
Required Permissionaction write and read
>> Roles and Role Sets

To add a new tag to a DMS object, send the request with the ID of the DMS object as objectId including the info of the tag's name and stateThe method throws an exception, if the committed tag name already exists.

Furthermore, there is the possibility to set a traceid by means of the HTTP header: X-B3-TraceId. If not specified, a random traceid will be set.

Any successful tag creation will be added to the audit trail.

Tags are independent of an object's version and thus are always available at the current version. For version-specific information, metadata provide the suitable options.

As of 2022 Autumn, the optional query parameter waitForSearchConsistency can be added to the request URL. If not specified, the default value true is used.

Request Example


Result Example

The result is a JSON structure containing the 'value' entries of the created tag: name, state, creationDate and traceid.

tag added
  "objects": [
      "properties": {
        "system:tags": {
          "value": [