Release Notes 10.10

Valid from 20 AUG 2024


Always check:

yuuvis® RAD client

  • The form offers the new field control auto-complete as an alternative to the dynamic list control. (internal: TUK-19)

  • When releasing a document lock, a security dialog is offered to inform who locked it and when. (internal: TUK-5231)

  • The search dialog shows the total number of documents taken from the aggregation header. Now the user can see better which object types are derived from an abstract one: when checking an abstract object type, only numbers for the derived object types are shown. (internal: TUK-5299)

  • When dropping a file on the client, the favored folders and the recently opened folders are offered as filing destinations. (internal: TUK-4217)

  • The dashboard provides users with the role Use signature statistics with the widget Signature statistics which shows the count of signatures provided by the statistics endpoint of the signing-service (see below). (internal: TUK-5239)

yuuvis® RAD services

  • The client-service is supported by an auto-complete plugin for a hierarchical list based on a JSON file (see client feature). (internal: TUK-5062).
    See the documentation:

  • The signing-service offers a statistic endpoint with the count of signatures for given document types, signature types, and a time range. In the case of a given attribute for aggregation, its values and counts are listed. Only users with the role ‘Use signing statistics’ can request this endpoint. (internal: TUK-4492)

  • For higher security, only users with the privilege 'Manage system settings' can request the signing-service endpoints for status and refresh. (internal: TUK-4776)

  • If configured, the signing-service starts a BPM process if the signing process is completed (yuvisgstatus = signed, experid, revised, and error). Such a process can be used for an object at the end of the signing process.
    If the parameter process-after-completion in the signing-prod.yml file is set to the BPM project name the signing-service starts this process. The simple standard process "Signing-finalization" is provided. It finalizes the object if the status is signed, and for each status an info task is sent to the requester. (internal. TUK-5246)
    See the documentation:

  • If configured, the signing-service sends an email to the administrator in error cases, e.g. if the post-processing workflow could not be started or the signing platform was not reachable. (internal: TUK-5289)
    See the documentation:

  • The search API supports the search for objects not containing the given value. The new attribute usenot can be used in the filter section as described in the documentation. (internal: TUK-4591)

  • The search API supports the date ranges tomorrow, nextweek, nextmonth, nextyear, thisquarter, lastquarer, nextquarter. It also supports ranges with a number following the syntax ‘prefixnumberpostfix’, with prefix = last/next and postfix = days/week/months/years. Examples: next7days, last3months. (internal: TUK-5316)

yuuvis® RAD core-service