yuuvis® RAD
Performance Improvements in yuuvis RAD Workflow Engine (10 minutes, Bratislav)
In development of yuuvis® RAD version 7, we focused on technical improvements that optimize parts of the server code, enhance the overall system architecture, and ultimately increase the performance of workflows.
Now, we have performed benchmarks to quantify these improvements and they confirm our initial observations: version 7 provides a consistent improvement in all analyzed scenarios, with version 7 being up to 5.8 times faster in certain metrics than version 6.16 LTS.
yuuvis® Momentum
Product Version 2021 Autumn - Released 20th of August 2021
Documentation (2 minutes, Inga)
The documentation for yuuvis® RAD 7.8 is available in German. The English translation will follow in a few weeks. The documentation will be updated regularly with respect to the continuous delivery of the software.
Friendly reminder: Since older versions of yuuvis® RAD are no longer being manintained as of this release, they will be removed from the documentation portal, so that after a transition period only the documentation for versions 6.16 LTS and 7.x will be available. For users of older versions, the help will still be available from within the software.
The yuuvis® Momentum Autumn 2021 API documentation was published together with the new release.
Project 11 Billion Documents (5 minutes, Max)
What are we doing right now and what is the goal?