PUT /tenant-management/api/system/tenants/{tenant}/users/{id}

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Winter | component version 1.0
Request MethodPOST
Response FormatJSON

Update the data of the user specified by tenant and id.


The properties for the new user are passed in JSON format.

The specified e-mail address is used in case users have forgotten their password.

It is recommended to deactivate users instead of deleting them. Their user names might be required for compliance reasons.

yuuvis® Momentum client as reference implementation displays the user's name in the following format: lastName, firstName (username).

Meaning of the response status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200 OKSuccessful, the data of the user with the specified tenant and id have been updated.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDThe call was unauthorized.
404 NOT FOUNDThe user with the id was not found.

At least one of the following situations occurred:

  • The username is not unique.
  • The email address is not unique.
  • The email address or password must be set.
  • The role {ROLE_NAME} was not found.
Request Example

PUT /tenant-management/api/admin/tenants/myTenant/users/a69a0eb6-3662-4c00-8096-38fbb2c4a922 HTTP/1.1

  "email": "firstexample@exampleprovider.de"
  "userName": "mrexample",
  "firstName": "Examplename",
  "lastName": "Examplesurname", 
  "enabled": true
Response Example

200 OK

no response body