GET /api/dms/schema
As of Version | product version 1.0 | component version 1.0 |
Request Method | GET |
Response Format | JSON |
Description | Get the applied tenant schema. It contains all available types: system types, global types and tenant-specific types. This is similar to the "Retrieve applied tenant schema" endpoint (GET |
Request Example |
Result Example | { "lastModificationDate": "2020-02-27T19:12:47.677+01:00", "objectTypes": [ { "id": "system:document", "localName": "system:document", "localNamespace": "", "displayName": "system:document", "baseId": "document", "description": "decribes the base document type", "creatable": false, "contentStreamAllowed": "allowed", "fulltextIndexed": true, "fields": [ { "id": "system:objectId", "localName": "system:objectId", "displayName": "system:objectId", "description": "Id of the object", "propertyType": "string", "cardinality": "single", "updatability": "readonly", "required": false }, { "id": "system:baseTypeId", "localName": "system:baseTypeId", "displayName": "system:baseTypeId", "description": "Id of the base object-type for the object", "propertyType": "string", "cardinality": "single", "updatability": "readonly", "required": false }, ... ] }, { "id" : "appEmail:email", "localName" : "appEmail:email", "displayName" : "appEmail:email", "baseId" : "document", "creatable" : true, "contentStreamAllowed" : "required", "fulltextIndexed" : true, "fields": [ ... { "id" : "appEmail:from", "localName" : "appEmail:from", "displayName" : "appEmail:from", "description" : "field for the e-mail sender", "propertyType" : "string", "cardinality" : "single", "updatability" : "readwrite", "required" : false }, ... ] }, ... { "id" : "tenNyc999:mydocument", "localName" : "tenNyc999:mydocument", "displayName" : "tenNyc999:mydocument", "baseId" : "document", "creatable" : true, "contentStreamAllowed" : "required", "fulltextIndexed" : true, "fields": [ { "id" : "tenNyc999:myname", "localName" : "tenNyc999:myname", "displayName" : "tenNyc999:myname", "propertyType" : "string", "cardinality" : "single", "updatability" : "readwrite", "required" : false }, { "id" : "tenNyc999:mydate", "localName" : "tenNyc999:mydate", "displayName" : "tenNyc999:mydate", "propertyType" : "datetime", "cardinality" : "single", "updatability" : "readwrite", "required" : false } ] } ] } |