GET user.info (Webhook)
GET user.info (Webhook)
As of Version | 2019 Winter |
HTTP Method | GET |
Response Format | JSON |
Parameter | String |
Description | Retrieves roles and any additional available information about the current user logging in to the authentication system from the URL. |
Requirements for External Endpoint | The target URL must return the JSON structure shown in the example response below. |
Restart Service | Authentication service |
Example Response | { "username": "111a222b-3c44-5d66-7777-8e999f0000a1", "id": "222a333b-4c55-6d77-8888-9e000f1111a2", "domain": "dd", "tenant": "default", "authorities": [ "TENANT_ADMIN", "SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR", "ACCESS_FOREIGN_JOURNAL_OBJECTS" ], "accountNonExpired": true, "accountNonLocked": true, "credentialsNonExpired": true, "enabled": true } |