POST /catalog/api/catalogs/{name}/{entryid}

POST /catalog/api/catalogs/{name}/{entryid}

As of Version

product version 2021 Winter | component version 

Request MethodPOST
Response Format-
Required Permission

available if listed in authorization.accesses in authentication-prod.yml and the specified access condition is matched.


Replaces an entry by another entry in the specified catalog.

Both parameters, name and entryid, are case-sensitive.

HTTP status codeDescription
204The specified entry is replaced by the entry specified in the JSON request body.
404The catalog does not exist or it exists but does not have an entry with the specified entryid.

Possible errors:

The name specified in the JSON request body does not match the parameter name.
There is not exactly one entry in the JSON request body.

Request Header
Request Example


    "objects": [
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "value": "europeancountries"
                "entries": {
                    "value": [["Spain"]]

Response Example

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