Update Instructions 2021 Winter

Update Instructions 2021 Winter

When updating your yuuvis® Momentum installation to version 2021 Autumn, manual configuration changes are required for some services. 

Table of Contents

Breaking Changes

Each yuuvis® Momentum version update introduces changes in the system. In general, we try to deploy such changes in a non-breaking way. If this is not possible, you will find all necessary and vital information on this page. The following breaking changes are incompatible changes we had to deploy into operation, and therefore you—as a yuuvis® user—need to be aware of them and take action accordingly. An update to a new version that skips some of the previous versions is possible and does not require updating to each version in between. However, in this case, you must carry out all actions in the order in which they are listed below. Starting with your current version up to the version you want to update to.
>> Breaking Changes


Performance Optimization for CONFIGSERVICE

Local and remote resources on the git server are synchronized now at regular intervals of 5 minutes. Thus, changes applied directly to the remote resources on the git server are NOT available until the regular synchronization process is passed. The resources are always cached. The availability of the git server is not checked anymore in case of resource retrieval requests. It is no longer possible to set the parameter fail-if-git-not-available=true.

Furthermore, the Helm Charts create a persistent volume claim for each CONFIGSERVICE instance that will be used for service initialization after a service restart.

In case multiple instances of the CONFIGSERVICE are running, the synchronization of the individual local resources is done at regular intervals of 5 minutes as well. Thus, requests for resources that have been modified less than 5 minutes ago might lead to the retrieval of a deprecated version of those resources. Resources created less than 5 minutes ago might be not available.

Client Services & Client Development

Developer Libraries

BPM Integration in Clients

In order to provide the new features in client applications, the BPM process model follow-up has been updated. Process instances based on the previous version of the follow-up process model are not anymore supported. They are displayed without subject and attachments.

Action: You can delete those process instances via the client application or via the corresponding Web-API Gateway endpoint.

Management of Configuration Files

  • In order to unify the management of standard configurations, the standard column and filter configurations are now managed via the Web-API Gateway and no longer via the USERSERVICE.
  • All client-specific configuration files like main, plug-in or language configuration are managed via the Web-API Gateway as well.

Action:  If standard column or filter configurations are already stored in your system via the USERSERVICE, they need to be imported again via the corresponding Web-API Gateway endpoint.

Configurations Enabling new Features

Some new features require manual configuration in order to operate properly after the update to the new yuuvis® Momentum version.


Rendition Repository

In order to store PDF renditions automatically in a rendition repository from which they will be retrieved instead of recreated, the default rendition repository needs to be configured appropriately in the application-storage.yml configuration file. If no default rendition repository is specified, each request for a PDF rendition of a binary content file will trigger the creation of a new rendition file which is not stored in any repository.
>> application-storage.yml

Tenant Management


Scaling of the Identity Provider (KDDA)

The service is not included in a Helm Chart and is only available on request. After installation, manual configuration is required as described here.