GET /api-web/api/admin/dms/catalogs

GET /api-web/api/admin/dms/catalogs

As of Version

product version 2021 Summer | component version 

Request MethodGET
Response FormatJSON

Retrieves the technical names of all catalogs grouped in lists depending on their global, app-specific or tenant-specific storage location.

Tenant-specific catalogs are retrieved only for the active tenant.

The role YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN is required.

Response HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error
Request Example


no request body

Response Example

200 OK

response body
  "personalfile": [
  "global": [
  "invoice": [
  "mytenant": [
    "tenMytenant:My catalog",