Necessary Actions When Updating or Upgrading to 8.12

Necessary Actions When Updating/Upgrading

This page describes the actions that you must manually execute when updating from version 7.x to a newer version. It also lists things that you must pay special attention to. An update to a new version that skips some of the previous versions is possible and does not require updating to each version in between. However, in this case, you must carry out all the actions from your previous version to the target version in the order listed here.

  • 8.4 --> 8.6

    • The license of the elasticsearch IntraFind-plugin expired on 07/01/2022 and needs to be renewed:
      • Stop Elasticsearch 7.16.2
      • Copy the license.jar file that can be found in the <setups>\elasticsearch folder to the  <elasticsearch7.16.2>\plugins\intrafind-linguistic folder overwriting the existing one.
      • Start Elasticsearch 7.16.2 again.

  • 8.10 --> 8.12

    • The password for the database connection of the core-service that is defined in the jas-app.xml file can now be stored in a credential store instead of saving it in plain text in the file.
      This is an optional feature. If you want to implement it, follow these steps:
      • Stop the core-service.
      • Create a credential store.
        • Open the file <core-service>\tools\change-db-pwd.bat.
        • Replace all occurrences of @@CS_PASSWORD@@ with the same arbitrary password of your choice (for the credential store).
        • Save the file.
        • Open a command prompt and change the directory to <core-service>\tools.
        • Execute the following command:
          change-db-pwd.bat "databaseUserPassword" 
          Replace databaseUserPassword with the password of the user that connects to the database.
      • Add the credential store to the jas-app.xml file and point the database connection password to it.
        • Open the <core-service>\standalone\configuration\jas-app.xml file.
        • Locate the <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron...> section and add the credential stores section to it as shown below. Replace "CS_PASSWORD" with your the credential store password chosen above.

          <subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron...>
          		<credential-store name="dbcredstore" relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir" path="dbcredstore.cs" create="true">
          			<credential-reference clear-text="CS_PASSWORD" />
        • Locate the <datasource jndi-name="java:/JASDB" ...>  section and replace the line <password>databaseUserPassword</password> with <credential-reference store="dbcredstore" alias="databasePW" /> as shown below.

          <datasource jndi-name="java:/JASDB" ...>
          		<credential-reference store="dbcredstore" alias="databasePW" />
      • Save and restart the core-service. 
        To change the password at a later time, execute the batch-file <core-service>\tools\change-db-pwd.bat.
        (Make sure the change-db-pwd.bat file does not contain any @@CS_PASSWORD@@ occurrences – if so, replace them as described above.)