Changelog 10.6

Changelog 10.6









Reactivated users are removed from the inactive group after user-synchronization

As an administrator, I would like that reactivated users are removed from the group where inactive users are stored, in order to have correct view which users are deactivated.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If an inactive user is reactivated in a LDAP system, and user-synchronisation is executed, the user is activated (as before) and removed from the group where inactive users are stored (as defined in deactivatedobjectsparent)

    • Inactive user in yRAD is user whose deletion was attempted, but not possible due to compliance reasons (user has performed actions in the system)

  • It is documented that deactivatedobjectsparent should not be part of synchronized structure to prevent specific side effects


Project-Language setting is not copied together with other parts of project

As a project modeler, I would like to copy items from one project to another and their localization, but that project language settings in destination project are not altered. Currently, the languages are automatically copied and activated, without informing modeler about the change. Upon deployment of such a project, elasticsearch has to handle these additional languages even if they are not in actual use.

Acceptance criteria:

  • When copying items from one project to another, localizations of all copied items are also copied

  • The project-language settings in destination project remain the same as before


A visual representation of a process model shows the status of process instance

As a user, I would like to see an image that shows me which steps of a process model were already executed, are currently running, or erroneous, in order to better understand the state of the whole process.

Acceptance criteria:

  • There exists an endpoint that delivers an image that depicts the structure of the process instance and marks the process building blocks in the following manner

    • unvisited: gray

    • currently running: blue

    • previously visited and completed: green

    • suspended/paused by administrator: yellow

    • error-suspended/terminated: red 

  • Visualization is performed by styling of the SVG, so that clients can tune the colors to their needs (for instance, to choose different shade of green to provide better fit visually in the dark-mode of a client)

Technical details:

  • Activities that are in loops are not marked multiple times / will not be marked-back to gray in subsequent loop runs

    • Each activity in loop will be marked grey if never visited 

    • Marked green if visited in any of previous loop executions

    • Marked blue if currently running

  • For multi-instance activities:

    • MI activity gets the usual color code depending on its state

    • Activities within the MI activity are colored as follows:

      • If all instances of an activity have the same state: as usual

      • If the instances have different states:

        • red: at least one instance is error-suspended

        • yellow: at least one instance is suspended/paused by administrator

        • green: at least one instance is completed


Paused deadlines and delays have consistent behavior

As a system administrator, I would like that periods (delays and deadlines) in paused or erroneous processes have the same behavior, and that they are executed only if process is returned to running state. At the moment, their behavior depends on state of the process, making issue-analysis difficult.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If a process is paused by an administrator (goes to SUSPENDED state), the periods are paused and stop ticking (period state: SUSPENDED)

  • If a process has been stopped by the engine due to an error (goes to ERRORSUSPENDED state), the periods are paused and stop ticking (period state: SUSPENDED)

  • If such a process is successfully resumed (goes to RUNNING state), the periods will resume their countdown (period state: TICKING)

    • If periods are in future, they may be triggered, based on process-configuration and -execution

    • If periods are in past (the trigger-time has passed while process was SUSPENDED or ERRORSUSPENDED), they will be triggered immediately after the process resumes its execution

  • State transitions of a period are written to its history, so that it is clearer why a certain period fired later than expected (the process and period were suspended)

  • A paused period can be canceled to avoid triggering when resuming the process


Level of detail in a response of a process history query can be controlled

As a developer, I want to have control over level of detail provided by process history endpoint (GET /bpm/process/<processId>/history), to reduce size of response, thus improving loading times in client applications. Currently, the endpoint is always returning the data object (containing all variables and its values) for every history entry.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The endpoint has a new optional parameter includeData that is "false" by default.

  • If includeData parameter is set to true, the data object, containing the variables will be returned.

  • If includeData parameter is not set or set to "false" the data object is not written into response


It is possible to localize the system and template metadata on the client-side

As an administrator, I want to be supported to let the system metadata be localized on the client-side so that I have only to deliver this client localization file to the translation service.

Acceptance criteria:

  • All system properties are localized via a key in the client localization file so that the following situations 

    • result list column headers

    • result list configuration dialog

    • object details summary

  • The keys in the template form are translated in de and en.

    • The general object type group 'Cross-context' is shown in the type selection dialog. 

  • These are the new base and template keys in the localization file en.json :

"eo.global.baseparam.title": "Title",   "eo.global.baseparam.description": "Description",   "eo.global.baseparam.version": "Version",   "eo.global.baseparam.type": "Type",   "eo.global.templateParam.sysdisplayname": "Title",   "eo.global.templateParam.sysdescription": "Description",   "eo.global.templateParam.syseditor": "Editable by",   "eo.global.templateParam.systypes": "Types",   "eo.global.templateParam.systags": "Tags",




For a saved search, information in the deletion dialog is given if used in a widget

As a user, I want to be informed that a saved search is used in a widget so that I know whether I can delete it without problems or not.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The information is given in the security dialog that is opened after click on the 'Delete' button:

    • EN: "This saved search 'name it' is used in widgets on the following dashboards: 'name1', 'name2'. Do you want to delete it nevertheless?"

    • DE: „Diese gespeicherte Suche 'nenne sie' wird in Widgets auf den folgenden Dashboards verwendet: ‚name1‘, ‚name2‘. Möchten Sie sie trotzdem löschen?“


In the object summary aspect, the context fields of the folder are shown

As a user, I want to see the context fields of the folder the document object is saved in so that I do not have to open the folder that often.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If a parent folder exists its properties with values are listed below the folder title.

    • Only fields with values and selectedforenrichment == true are shown

    • The folder properties can be collapsed or expanded. The collapsed-status 

  • The name of the context folder type is displayed as title of the accordeon panel


In the bar chart widget, the min and max values are shown in the chart if the 'Attribute of aggregation' is of type number

As a user, I would like to see the min and max value in the bar chart widget if the 'Attribute of aggregation' is of type number so that I can easily set the configuration parameters for the range.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The values are shown in the chart


It is possible to maintain a yuuvis RAD license via Dashlet in the context of a customer/order in the Bären (2 sprints)

As an internal salesperson, I would like to be able to create a yuuvis RAD license in the context of an open customer/order so that I can send it to the requester.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The backend is fetching the customer ID based on the object ID

  • If a customer/order is opened in the Bären a Dashlet 'License Management' can be opened that offers the following features:

    • A list with all systems of a customer is shown if the customer object is focused.



The root user has always a named license without counting it to the used named licenses

As the system responsible, I would like that the root user get's a named license that has not to be added to the number of named users in the license file so that nobody has to take care about the count.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The root named license should be set always without including it in the number of named licenses.


The condition of the accordions in the object summary is remembered

As a user, I would like to let the condition of the accordions in the object summary be remembered so that a collapsing keeps and I do not have to scroll much to see the properties below.

Acceptance criteria:

  • After an accordion is collapsed it is shown in this condition after reopening the summary aspect.


A referenced object can always be edited in a folder view

As a user, I would like to edit a referenced object also in the referencing folder so that I do not have to open it before.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The metadata of a referenced object can always be added.

  • The button 'Open original folder' is removed.

  • The actions for the reference object are offered: open action is offered.


It is possible to focus on a magnifier icon of a saved search on the dashboard via keyboard

As a user, I would like to open a search by keyboard so that I do not have to touch my mouse.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If the focus reaches a saved search button on the dashboard another puss of the tab-key focuses on the magnifier glass.

    • Pushing Enter opens the hit list in the same window


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