Changelog 10.12








In the inbox, it is possible to return all accepted tasks

As a user, I would like to return all my accepted tasks, so that other colleagues can accept them and work on them. 

Acceptance criteria:

  • In the task-list-header, a 3-dots-icon is offered for opening an action menu.

    • Tooltip: 'Open task actions'/'Aufgabenaktionen öffnen' 

  • This menu offers

    • the action group label 'INBOX'/'EINGANGSKORB' 

    • the action 'Return all accepted tasks'/'Alle übernommenen Aufgaben zurückgeben'

    • a rollback symbol for this action

    • a description for this action: 'Returnes the tasks back to the groups.'/'Gibt die Aufgaben zurück an die Gruppen.'

    • pushing the Enter key or clicking this action opens a security dialog.

    • After clicking 'OK' or pushing Enter on the focused button the internal endpoint DELETE bpm/process/activitylocks?personalizerId=<login name> is called

      • In this case of an error, a notification is shown: "This action could not be executed."/"Diese Aktion konnte nicht ausgeführt werden."

      • Otherwise, a notification is shown.

  • The inbox action menu is registered in the 'Application actions' in the group 'Inbox'/'Eingangskorb' with the tooltip text and the shortcut 't', and can be opened by keyboard control:

    • Pushing the 't' key

    • Or moving the focus via tab or cursor and if focused pushing the Enter key


It is possible to show the preview of a document that is part of the process file within the task form table edit dialog

As a user, I want to be supported to see the preview of a document that is part of the process file within the task form table edit dialog so that I can take values from there to a form field.

Acceptance criteria:

  • In this case of a task form table edit dialog, the preview of the currently selected document file in the process file can be shown or hidden.

  • The width of the areas is remembered locally.



The search form provides the search API based range placeholders for date and datetime object properties that can be reused in saved searches

As a user, I want to be able to configure a saved search dynamically with the existing ranges for a datetime field so that a saved search shows the result corresponding to the current date.

Acceptance criteria:

  • In this case of a date or a datetime field, the following ranges that are provided by the search API can be selected:

    • today: Today / Heute

    • yesterday: Yesterday / Gestern

    • tomorrow: Tomorrow / Morgen

    • thisweek: This week / Diese Woche

    • lastweek: Last week / Letzte Woche

    • nextweek: Next week / Nächste Woche

    • thismonth: This month / Dieser Monat

    • lastmonth: Last month / Letzter Monat

    • nextmonth: Next month / Nächster Monat

    • thisquarter: This quarter / Dieses Quartal

    • lastquarter: Last quarter / Letztes Quartal

    • nextquarter: Next quarter / Nächstes Quartal

    • thisyear : This year / Dieses Jahr

    • lastyear : Last year / Letztes Jahr

    • nextyear: Next year / Nächstes Jahr

  • An additional range operator '...' is provided. If this is selected, the control changes:

    • The date entry field and date picker are removed, and the input behavior changes to that of a list control but providing the operator in front of the field

    • A selection dialog is offered for the above list with the localized values

    • The selected entry is visualized in the input field. Only one entry can be selected.

    • An autocomplete list is provided when typing into the field.If changing the operator the control is changed to that for the operator.

    • The configured range value is used in a saved search like 'Created' and 'Edited'.

    • Example filter:

{ ... "filters":{ "mydoctype.mydateproperty":{ "o":"rg", "v1":"nextmonth"} }, ... }
  • The placeholders are supported by the table columns of type date and datetime too:

    • the table form field behaves in the same way

    • the table cell is visualizing the placeholder

  • A datetime field in the edit form of a saved search behaves the same way.

  • A datetime field in the saved search form on the dashboard behaves the same way.

  • In the case of a datetime property, the default operator is '-' (nobody searches for '=' in this case)

    • Alternative: Start with '-' but let the field behave as a date field in this case. Only the other operators are providing the time. See the same behavior for 'Edited' and 'Created'


In the case of a search with an object property of type organization, it is possible to search dynamically with the placeholder #currentuser#

As a user, I want to be able to configure a saved search dynamically so that the current user affects the search and that a shared saved search can be used by other users with the expected result.

Precondition: The search API resolves the placeholder #currentuser#

Acceptance criteria:

  • Only in the form situation SEARCH the autocomplete list always shows 'Current user (#currentuser#)'/'Aktueller Benutzer  (#currentuser#)' as the first list item

    • After selection a chip is shown in the field and the validation is ok

    • The 'Current user' is also offered for a table column of type organization and searching is ok.

    • The search and aggregation filter uses the placeholder #currentuser#. Example:

    • { ...   "filters": {     "creator": {       "o": "in",       "v1": ["#currentuser#"]     }   } }
  • The placeholder is reused in the saved search and its form (simple field and table column)


The service-manager setup prepares the use of the new SAP services RMALINK and RMILM

As an administrator, I want the service-manager to set up the new SAP services so that I only have to activate them.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The service-manager includes the new services RMALINK and RMILM

  • The installation adds the following sections in the file application-prod.yml

applications:   - name: rmalink     type: microservice     profiles: prod,cloud,red     instances: 0   memory: 512M     port: 8092   path: .     arch: x64     jdk: jdk17   - name: rmilm     type: microservice     profiles: prod,cloud,red     instances: 0   memory: 512M     port: 8094   path: .     arch: x64     jdk: jdk17
  • In case of an update and if the services are not installed, they are also installed (in version 10).


In the case of a search with a datetime property, the field is handled as a date field if the operator is '='

As a user, I want the same handling for a search on a datetime property as given for the basis parameters 'Edited' and 'Search'.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If the operator is '=' the datetime field doesn't offer the time and searches for the whole selected day.


The search API provides to search with the placeholder #currentuser# in case of an organization field

As a programmer, I want to help users configure a saved search that uses the current user in the case of organization fields.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If the following is requested, the search-service resolves the current user login name and requests Elastic search with it:


In the chart widgets, it can be configured whether the number for the partial values should be shown in the legend

As a user, I want to see the number for a partial value in a chart so that I don't have to hover over each segment.

Acceptance criteria:

  • In the widget configuration, it is possible to check 'Show the numbers in the legend'/'Anzahl in der Legende anzeigen'.

    • The default is not.

  • If checked the numbers are added in brackets at the the legend's beginning.


The search form field of type number is extended with the operator '≠' (not equal)

As a user, I want to be supported by a search with not equal to the given value to work on them.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The number operators  '≠' for not equal is listed.

  • If  '≠' is selected the aggregation and search filter is extended with the attribute "usenot":true so that corresponding objects are found

  • Easy possible?: indicate for both operators that they are in use like:

  • This works for a table column of type number.

  • This is remembered in a saved search and can be used in such a form.


The responsiveness of the quicksearch widget on the dashboard is optimized, its vertical scrollbar has a better contrast and works only for the object type groups

As a user, I want to have a good contrast for the scroll bar in a result view.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The scrollbar is darker.

  • The vertical scroll bar only affect the area with the object type groups.

  • And:

    • The responsiveness of the area with the search field and the number of hits is optimized: The horizontal scrollbar is no longer provided because the object type groups are arranged better.


The license file can contain the parameter maintenanceExpiration and the REST-WS interface informs about it

As a custom administrator and salesperson, I want the maintenance expiration date given in the contract to be part of the license file and shown as information in the license view of the REST-WS interface so that I can care about it.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The license file can contain this parameter: maintenanceExpiration

  • The REST-WS interface shows it.

  • CLI library is extended

  • This parameter is only information and not action is need if the date becomes or is expired.


The language files for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Thai are installed with the client

As an administrator in Japan, China, Korea, or Thailand, I want the localization for my country to be installed with the client so that I do not have to set them up after the installation.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If the buttons for these languages are configured in the extend.json file the localization is active after its selection. (The language files for these countries are saved beside the de.json and en.json file)