Changelog 10.16








The CSV export of the hit list data can contain an URL which opens the object in the client

As a user, I want to download a CSV export of my hit list containing the URLs to the objects so that I can open them later when analyzing this export file.

Acceptance criteria:

  • After clicking the export symbol an overlay is opened.

  • It is possible to check 'Add the object URL'/'Die Objekt-URL hinzufügen'.

    • The default is unchecked.

    • The check is remembered locally.

  • If the number of list items exceeds the configured threshold the warning is below the checkbox.

  • If checked the request for the CSV file is sent with the parameter withurl=true (default is false)

    • The search-service adds the column 'URL' with the object-URL to open the object in the client.


The extraction-service supports e-invoice files of format XRechnung 3.0.1 in the syntax UBL 2.1 configurable

As an administrator, I would like to extract e-invoices of format XRechnung 3.0.1 in the Syntax UBL 2.1 so that I can reuse the mapping for invoices for format ZUGFeRD to object properties and that I can configure the mapping of contained XML keys to the FERD-keys of the extraction file.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The mapping configuration for the invoice formats CII (Coss Industry Invoice used for ZUGFeRD and Factur-x) and UBL (used for XRechnung and other invoices) provides the header data. 

    • The UBL properties are mapped to the existing extraction properties beginning with 'FERD:' so that the alias configurations in the designer supports both types of invoices (ZUGFeRD/Factur-X and UBL.

  • Adding a custom file for mapping the XML tags from an invoice file to extraction results is possible. Properties in the custom configuration are overwriting those of the delivered standard configuration.
    Example mapping:

    ... XRECH:Delivery.BilledQuantity[Double] = {/Invoice/LegalMonetaryTotal/PayableAmount} XRECH:Delivery.BilledQuantity.UnitCode[String] = {/Invoice/LegalMonetaryTotal/PayableAmount/@currencyID} ...

    Possible values for [data type] are: String, Double, Integer, Sequence, Boolean, Date

  • Example of invoice data:

<ubl:Invoice> ... <cac:LegalMonetaryTotal> ... <cbc:PayableRoundingAmount currencyID="EUR">0.00</cbc:PayableRoundingAmount> <cbc:PayableAmount currencyID="EUR">1278.06</cbc:PayableAmount> </cac:LegalMonetaryTotal> <ubl:Invoice>
  • If the configuration is not changed this file 'invoicemapping.lst' must be located in the directory: '[servicemanager]/data/mappings'

  • The configuration of this file name can be changed in the file extraction-prod.yml, e.g.:

extraction: invoicemappings: 'c:/mappings/custom_invoicemapping.lst'
  • A new endpoint ../info/mapping lists the current mapping combining the delivered standard and the custom configuration.
    The following lines are a part of the response without a custom configuration. 
    The first three parameters show mappings for invoices based on the different ZUGFeRD versions. An existing fourth parameter shows the mapping for XRechnung files based on the UBL syntax. 


It is possible to configure the client only to offer object actions that can export a document file for users with a specific role

As an administrator, I want to configure the client only to offer object actions that can export a document file for users with a specific role to follow the compliance regulations of my company.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If the attribute 'requiredRolesExport is configured in the extend.json file like this:

  • the following actions are not offered for users without the given roles assigned:

    • 'Download document file' including the symbol in the object details header

    • 'Send e-mail with document file as attachment'

    • 'Send e-mail with document file as a PDF'

    • 'Copy to clipboard - Original document file'

    • 'Copy to clipboard - document file as a PDF'


The maintenance of licenses is supported by a web-based user interface

As a license manager, I want to be supported by a graphical user interface to get license information and to create new licenses so that I do not have to use the CLI tool.

Acceptance criteria:

  • When opening the UI the list of systems for a customer is offered showing the <comment> and date of creation including symbols for the action 'Edit', 'Delete', 'Download', and 'Upload'

    • Case 'Edit': The edit dialog is opened with a form that shows the key with the current value and allows entering a new value.

      • A new license can be created with the new values

    • Case 'Download': The license file is downloaded and saved in the filesystem.

    • Case 'Upload': A file can be selected from the files system, is transferred to the backend, and the edit dialog is opened.

      • If a license file is uploaded for an unknown system the system is created, added to the list of systems, and marked as the new one.

    • Case 'Delete': A security dialog is offered with a 'Cancel' and 'Delete' buttons. After pushing 'Delete' the system with all data is removed and the system is removed from the list.


The REST-WS endpoint ../result/query provides the wildcard search for text-based parameters

As a ERM Service programmer, I want the simple search endpoint of the core-service to support a wildcard search so that I can formulate path=/sap/myfolder/* to find such objects.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The REST-WS endpoint ../result/query allows to use the wildcard character '*' for text parameters


The signing-service sends admin-emails with the affected objectId and a URL for opening it in the client

As an administrator, I want to get an admin-email from the signing-service that informs me about the affected object so that I can easily open it and care about it.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The admin-email is extended with the information about the object including a URL to open it in the client.


The search form field of type user/group, dynamic list, and auto-complete provides the operators '=' for the current equal search and '≠' for the new not equal search

As a user, I want to search for objects that do not contain the given value for a field of type user/group, dynamic list, and auto-complete.

Acceptance criteria:

  • In the case of a dynamic list field, an additional operator selection is provided with '=' (default) and '≠''.

    • If '=' is selected the previous search is requested.

    • If '≠' is selected add the filter parameter '"usenot": true' for this search

  • This also works for user/group and auto-complete

    • in the saved search edit dialog

    • in the saved search form

  • Tables are out of scope and will be supported later


The client resolves the placeholders {clientlocale} and {schemalocale} configured in the auto-complete URL

As an administrator, I want to use the application and schema language placeholder to configure the auto-complete URL more easily.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The client resolves the placeholders {clientlocale} and {schemalocale} with user.locale so that the URL can be configured like:
    autocomplete/object-catalog?..&description=mydescription_ {clientlocale}


The REST-WS API endpoint ../dms/{id}/children can be requested with nullvalues=true to get such properties in the answer too

As a programmer, I want to request the REST-WS endpoint  ../dms/{id}/children with nullvalues=true to get such properties in the answer too so I can reuse this result without adding them afterward.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The REST-WS endpoint  ../dms/{id}/children can be requested with nullvalues=true to get such properties in the answer too.

  • The Swagger-UI offers this parameter too.



The search-service API can be requested to return the technical catalog entry id or data

As a programmer, I want the search-service to return also the technical name (data) or the id of a catalog property so that I can use this in another REST-WS request.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The search-service can be requested with the property name extension '_id' or '_data' to get instead of the localized value of catalog property the technical value or the id, e.g..



The core-service setup asks whether to send anonymous metrics

As an administrator, I want to configure the core-service whether metrics should be sent during the setup so that I do not have to configure this later via management-studio.

  • A new page for asking for sending the metrics data is shown with a checkbox "Anonymous transfer activated"/"Anonyme Übertragung aktiviert". The default is checked.

  • After the setup, the parameter is set and can be checked in the 'System' page management-studio.


It is possible to activate the used context path for a specific gateway

As an administrator, I want to activate the used context path for specific gateways so that services not supporting the context path can use a gateway without the activated context path.

Acceptance criteria:

  • See summary

  • With this configuration, the extend.json of the client has no longer to be configured for the context path.

    • documentation is adopted

  • The cache behavior of the client-service is optimized: the index.html file is checked every 1 minute. If the file has changed the cache is updated.

    • Afte ther installation, the file client-prod.yml is available with the following configuration:


The context path handling in the gateway-service and the client-service is simplified

As an administrator, I want to configure a different context path for each gateway supporting services running in various environments.

Acceptance criteria:

  • If a context-path is used we recommend activating the cache of the client-service by setting the following parameter in the client-prod.yml file:

The default is 'false'.


The extraction-service supports e-invoices based on the new ZUGFeRD version 2.3

As an administrator, I want the extraction-service to handle e-invoices of format ZUGFeRD version 2.3 too.

Acceptance criteria:


The extraction response contains ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, and XRechnung invoice line items

As an administrator, I want to configure the mapping of the line items of an e-invoice of the formats ZUGFeRD, Factur-X, and XRechnung, so that the corresponding values are taken over to the table of the object type.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The extraction-service standard mapping is extended for the syntax CII and UBL and the service adds the table with the line items to the JSON output. The following extraction properties should be offered in the extraction output file for the first line.  The number for the next line is [2], and so forth. If a property is not found in the file it is skipped.

Extraction attributeTypeDescriptionFERD:LineItem.ID[1]IntegerLine numberFERD:LineItem.Name[1]StringName of the productFERD:LineItem.Ident[1]StringIdentification code in the seller systemFERD:LineItem.Description[1]StringDetailed description of the productFERD:LineItem.NetPrice[1]DecimalNet price of the line itemFERD:LineItem.NetPriceSingle[1]DecimalNetPrice of the single productFERD:LineItem.Quantity[1]DecimalCount of piecesFERD:LineItem.UnitCode[1]StringCode of type of pieceFERD:LineItem.TaxRate[1]DecimalTax rate in percent 


  • In the designer the alias can be set for a table column. (done)

  • Next story: The core-service takes the line item values over as configured.


Extracted e-invoice line item data can be mapped to object table data

As an administrator, I want to automatically map the extracted line item data to an object table if an e-invoice file is saved for an object so that users don't have to enter data manually.

Acceptance criteria:

  • A line item column value of an e-invoice read via the extraction-service (see linked story) is mapped to the object table column configured via 'alias' in the designer.

  • The line item attributes of the extraction output are:

Extraction attributeTypeDescriptionFERD:LineItem.ID[1]IntegerLine numberFERD:LineItem.Name[1]StringName of the productFERD:LineItem.Ident[1]StringIdentification code in the seller systemFERD:LineItem.Description[1]StringDetailed description of the productFERD:LineItem.NetPrice[1]DecimalNet price of the line itemFERD:LineItem.NetPriceSingle[1]DecimalNetPrice of the single productFERD:LineItem.Quantity[1]DecimalCount of piecesFERD:LineItem.UnitCode[1]StringCode of type of pieceFERD:LineItem.TaxRate[1]DecimalTax rate in percent 

The extraction attribute has to be used with the bracket part in the 'Alias' of the object property in the designer.


The structure-service supports conditions for table columns

As an administrator, I want to configure conditions for tables to find specific objects.

Acceptance criteria:

  • The structure service supports nested objects.

  • Conditions can be specified for table column values.

  • References in table columns are resolved and are shown in the object details aspect 'References' in the client.

  • The documentation on the developer portal is extended