How to Update/Upgrade 10.x

How to Update/Upgrade 10.x

Necessary Actions When Updating/Upgrading

This page describes the actions that you must manually execute when updating from version 9.16 LTS to version 10.x and from version 10.x to any more recent version. It also lists things that you must pay special attention to.
An update to a new version that skips some of the previous versions is possible and does not require updating to each version in between. However, in this case, you must carry out all the actions from your previous version to the target version in the order listed here.

9.16 LTS → 10.0

Before you start

  • Make sure you have updated your yuuvis® RAD system to version 9.16 LTS (latest hotfix) before updating to version 10.x.

  • Stop the 9.16 core-service.

  • Stop the 9.16 service-manager. 

  • Stop Elasticsearch 7.17.13.

License Required

  • Starting with version 10.0, yuuvis RAD will require a license file to be activated in the system. Before updating please contact OPTIMAL SYSTEMS and request a license file for all your systems (DEV, QS, PROD).
    You will have to provide the cluster-id of each system which you can find on running systems on this page: http://<gateway-address>/rest-ws/index.html?continue#PAGE:monitor/systeminfo.
    If you update without providing a valid license, the system will create a provisional license that allows operation for 30 days. After that, the system will start in read-only mode, i.e. you cannot create, edit, or delete objects and you cannot deploy new project files (schema).
    Send an email requesting a license with the cluster-id to: yr-license@optimal-systems.com 

  • Once you have received a license file, do the following steps after updating to version 10.0, but before the first startup of the core-service:

    • Rename the file to license.json.

    • Copy the file to <core-service>\standalone\configuration.
      The license will be read and activated during the next startup of the core-service.


Share as new object permission


With version 10.0, a new objecttype right for "Share" is introduced. The schema update to enable this new feature is executed in server only (during the first start). Thus, a new snapshot of the project from the running 10.0 system must be made before making further changes in designer.

Project (Roleset) 9 → Project (Rolseset) 10


After version 10.0 has been installed, you must create a new project file (schema) as a system snapshot in yuuvis® RAD designer and all following deployments must use this project file (schema) as its basis.
If you deploy a project file with version 9 or below, you will break the system.


  • A common approach to set performers on a work item is as follows:

    var newPerformer = new $.OrgObject();

    newPerformer.id = 'abc123';  


    This approach can be still used, but is deprecated and marked for removal.
    With version 10.0, we introduce the new method getObjectById() that allows searching for OrgObjects based on its ID, so the previous script snippet should be changed to use the new method, as in this example:

    var newPerformer = $.org.getObjectById("abc123");
    $.activity('this').performers.push( newPerformer );

  • The code is now executed in strict mode for more safety. Make sure all BPM scripts have correct syntax - especially:

    • Make sure all variables are defined with “var” (or “let”). Otherwise you will get a “<variablename> is not defined” error.
      Do not forget about the global script and imported libraries.


  • The repository-manager updated the contained KGS components version. Preservation of the KGS configuration is possible by following the below steps.

    • Backup the folder <service-manager-data>\rm\tomcat\webapps\cs\conf\contentserver

    • Deleted the folder <service-manager-data>\rm

    • After the first start of the service-manager the repository-manager (version 4.5.0) will recreate the folder <service-manager-data>\rm

    • Stop the repository-manager microservice (individually or by stopping the entire service-manager)

    • Copy the backed up folder to <service-manager-data>\rm\tomcat\webapps\cs\conf\contentserver overwriting the existing one

If you don’t preserve the configuration, delete the folder <service-manager-data>\rm before the first start of the service-manager and configure KGS from scratch again.

  • For the integration of Office 365 two new microservice were introduced. Please follow the below steps to configure them.

    • Open the file <service-manager>\config\gateway-prod.yml and add the following lines to the end of the routing.endpoints: list

      - name: 'office365'   url: 'http://office365/api' - name: 'dashlet365'   url: 'http://client/dashlet365'
  • [optional, only if you want to use the O365 integration]

    • If you want to use the O365 integration, change the number of instances from 0 to 1 in the following section of the file <service-manager>\config\servicewatcher-sw.yml

      - name: office365 type: microservice profiles: prod,cloud,red instances: 0 memory: 1024M port: 7880 path: ${appBase}/office365/office365-app.jar options: - -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
    • To configure the authentication, you need a Tenant ID and Tenant Secret from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS. The data is available on request.

      To enter the data for the connection and authentication open the file <service-manager>\config\office365-prod.yml and add the following lines

      tenant:   id: <Tenant-ID>   secret: <Tenant-Secret>   provider-url: https://provider.prod.enaio.io/   host-url: https://host.prod.enaio.io/   working-dir: ${enaio.data.path}/o365   recovery:     enable: true 

      Replace <Tenant-ID> and <Tenant-Secret> with the values received from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.
      Also see https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v100/admin/en/architecture/microservices/mic_con_officeservices.htm (de version: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v100/admin/de/architecture/microservices/mic_con_officeservices.htm)

    • FYI: The client uses the dashlet365 instead of the PDF.js viewer to render the Microsoft Office files without further configuration. This is possible because the client requests the endpoint <domain>/config/services and checks whether the response with the list of active client-relevant services contains ‘office365’.


  • Due to improvements and implementation of new features for the widgets on the client’s dashboards they might not function correctly anymore. To fix this, go to the configuration of each widget and see if there are errors like missing fields or saved searches. If so, please reconfigure the widget to your needs.
    If that doesn’t help, please delete and recreate the widget. It might look a little different - that is due to the improvements and new features that were implemented.



10.0 → 10.4


10.4 → 10.6

  • [optional] Language resource files moved from core-service to client. For the default languages this is transparent and users of the client should not notice any difference.

    • If you have custom language files for the client, then compare the default file for english localisations "<service-manager-data>\webresource\public\client\assets\_default\i18n\en.json" with your custom files. You will notice new keys that were added and are missing in your custom files (at "<service-manager-data>\webresource\resources\client\assets\_default\i18n\*.json".

    • Adopt those keys with the corresponding translated values to your custom language files to have a complete localisation file again.


10.6 → 10.8

  • [optional] Custom database connection properties in the file <core-service>\standalone\configuraiton\jas-app.xml are removed since they are not needed anymore in the default case. The following lines will be removed from the file:

    Correspondingly, any values set for the key “DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_VALUE” in the file <core-service>\standalone\configuration\jas-app.properties are obsolete. If you still need to set custom connection properties, they can be appended to the jdbc-connection string which you can also find in the jas-app.properties file with the key “DB_URL”.
    Which connection property values are available can be seen here:


10.8 → 10.10

  • Obsolete autocomplete plugin files need to be removed:

    • Check if the folder <service-manager-data>\autocomplete-plugins exists and contains the files “autocomplete-plugin-demo.jar” and “autocomplete-plugin-demo-json.jar”

    • If not, you are done.

    • If yes, delete these two files. The service-manager (to be exact, the clientservice) needs to be stopped to be able to do this.

  • The signingservice needs the “es” profile

    • Open the file <service-manager>\config\servicewatcher-sw.yml and navigate to the “signingservice” section

    • Add “es” to the profiles list

    • It should now look like this:


  • The signingservice now supports finalising successfully signed objects and informing the requester via email and inbox notification.


10.10 → 10.12

  • Two new microservices “RMALINK” and “RMILM” are provided as successors of the repositorymanager 4.0. They are used for SAP ArchiveLink and SAP ILM connectors. If you don’t use SAP, you can stop reading here.
    With the new microservices there is no need for the external KGS library anymore.

    • It is possible to keep running the repositorymanager 4.0 microservice and update to the new microservices later on
      --> If you choose this option, nothing has to be done for now. Return here once you decide to update to the new microservices.

    • To update from the repositorymanager 4.0 to the new microservices please contact us at pm[at]optimal-systems.de. We will provide you with the necessary information.


10.12 → 10.14

  • The spring boot property name to set the maximum request header size changed from "server.max-http-header-size" to "server.max-http-request-header-size".

    • Open the file <service-manager>\config\application-prod.yml

    • Find the line containing "server.max-http-header-size: 10MB"

    • If not there already, add "server.max-http-request-header-size: 10MB" as a new line below the above line.

    • If there is a line “server.tomcat.max-http-header-size”, delete it.

    • It should now look like this:

    • Note: If you find these parameters in other config files (especially of custom microservices), adapt them as well.


10.14 → 10.16 LTS

  • The license for the Elasticsearch intrafind plugin for Asian countries (i.e. you have chosen Asia during the Elasticsearch setup) needs to be exchanged for a new one.
    Elasticsearch installations with American/European intrafind plugin → Skip this step.

    • Copy the file license.jar from the setup folder (subfolder license_for_asia_2025) to the following location (overwriting the existing file): <elasticsearch>\plugins\intrafind-linguistic

    • Restart Elasticsearch


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