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Overview of Commands provided by the COMMANDER service.

 To retrieve a list of all available commands, use the help command.

Maintenance Commands

Check the data stock for consistency or execute global tasks that affect the entire system via COMMANDER functions called with the following commands.

As of versionCommandDescription
2020 Wintermaintain-compare

Compare the objects stored in the database and Elasticsearch index.

2022 Springmaintain-delete

Delete all objects of a specific tenant that are flagged for deletion.

2021 Wintermaintain-export

Export all objects of a specific tenant. For every object a folder is created, containing the object's metadata in JSON format and its content file if available.

2020 Wintermaintain-repository

Find content files in the S3 store that are not referenced any longer by an object in the database.

2022 Summermaintain-tenant-data-delete

Deletes all data belonging to a tenant of the core system, including all objects in the repository, database, Elasticsearch, audit entries and config files.

Database Commands

Check the data stock for consistency or execute global tasks that affect the entire system via COMMANDER functions called with the following commands.

As of versionCommandDescription
2020 Winterdbs-reindex

Restore the entire Elasticsearch index from the database via Commander service.

2020 Winterdbs-configure

Turn on/off the simulation mode for the reindexing command.

Audit Commands

Check the data stock for consistency or execute global tasks that affect the entire system via COMMANDER functions called with the following commands.

As of versionCommandDescription
2020 Winteraudit-cleanup

Remove entries from the audit trail by means of the COMMANDER service.

Die ganze folgende Tabelle kommt dann weg:

As of VersionCommandDescription

Administrative Commands

admin-clearClear all caches.

admin-clear - Clear all caches.


admin-configRetrieve configurations of specific instances.

admin-config - Retrieve configurations of specific instances.

admin-config [--instance] hel-application-instance

--instance hel-application-instance
ID of instance of which configurations are to be retrieved.

admin-instanceRetrieve all service instances or get a specific service instance by ID.

admin-instance - Retrieve all instances or get a specific service instance by ID.

admin-instance [[--instance] string]

--instance string
ID of instance to be retrieved.
[Optional, default = ]

admin-loggerRetrieve or set log levels for specific instances and/or loggers.

admin-logger - Retrieve or set log levels for specific instances and/or loggers.

admin-logger [--instance] hel-application-instance [[--logger] string] [[--level] string]

--instance hel-application-instance
ID of the instance for which log levels are to be retrieved/set.

--logger string
Name of logger within the specified instance for which log levels are to be retrieved/set.
[Optional, default = ]

--level string
Logger level to be set.
[Optional, default = ]

admin-metricsRetrieve metric information for specific instances.

admin-metrics - Retrieve metric information for specific instances.

admin-metrics [--instance] hel-application-instance [--metric-name] string

--instance hel-application-instance
ID of the instance for which metrics are to be retrieved.

--metric-name string
Name of the metric to be retrieved.

Audit Commands

audit-cleanupClean up audit entries based on the 'cleanupConfiguration.json' configuration for all tenants or for a specific tenant.

audit-cleanup - Clean up audit entries based on the 'cleanupConfiguration.json' configuration for all tenants or for a specific tenant.

audit-cleanup [-t] string

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which audit entries are to be cleaned up.
[Optional, default = ]

Database Commands

dbs-auditRetrieve audit entries for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range, by a traceId and/or by an action that has to be matched.

dbs-audit - Retrieve audit entries for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range, by a traceId and/or by an action that has to be matched.

dbs-audit [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] [[-tr] string] [[-a] string]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which audit entries are to be retrieved.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date string
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

-e or --end-date string
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

-tr or --trace-id string
TraceId that has to match the traceIds of the audit entries to be retrieved.
[Optional, default = ]

-a or --action string
Action that has to match the actions of the audit entries to be retrieved, e.g., '--action=200' for DELETE audit-entry.
[Optional, default = ]

dbs-configureConfigure timeouts.

dbs-configure - Configure timeouts.

dbs-configure [-s] [-c] [-f]

-s or --simulation
Simulation mode turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false').
[Optional, default = false]

-c or --cockroach
Cockroach-db turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false'). If cockroach-db is turned on, the 'dbs-rename' command will perform updates on database without 'SELECT FOR UPDATE'.
[Optional, default = false]

-f or --fulltext
Full-text index turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false').
[Optional, default = false]

dbs-reindexReindex all DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant.

dbs-reindex - Reindex all DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant.

dbs-reindex [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which all DMS objects are to be reindexed.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date string
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

-e or --end-date string
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

dbs-renameRename enaio: to system: in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant.  Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range.

dbs-rename - Rename enaio: to system: in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant.  Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range.

dbs-rename [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which renaming is to be performed.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date string
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

-e or --end-date string
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

dbs-statRetrieve a list of storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range.

dbs-stat - stat of dmsobjects in table

dbs-stat [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which storage statistics are to be retrieved.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date string
Set start date, e.g.: -s 2019-01-21
[Optional, default = ]

-e or --end-date string
Set end date, e.g.: --end-date=2020-01-21
[Optional, default = ]

dbs-storageRetrieve storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants grouped by the corresponding tenant, or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range.

dbs-storage - Retrieve storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants grouped by the corresponding tenant, or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range.

dbs-storage [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which storage statistics are to be retrieved.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date string
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

-e or --end-date string
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = ]

Elasticsearch Commands

ela-findFind objects by ID.

ela-find - Find objects by ID.

ela-find [-i] string

-i or --id string
ID of the object to be searched for, e.g.: -i f38d7049-6555-468d-b724-8d4fcc6b16e1

Maintenance Commands

maintain-compareDetermine differences within the metadata of individual DMS objects between Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenantOptionally, limit the analysis to objects last modified/created within a specified time range.

maintain-compare - Determine differences within the metadata of individual DMS objects between Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the analysis to objects last modified/created within a specified time range.

maintain-compare [[-t] string] [[-s] date-time] [[-e] date-time] [[-m] comparison-mode] [-c]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which the comparison is to be performed.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date date-time
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = firstobjectcreation]

-e or --end-date date-time
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = today]

-m or --mode comparison-mode
Comparison mode defining the metadata properties to be compared. Available values are 'COUNT', 'BASIC' and 'ADVANCED'.
[Optional, default = ADVANCED]

-c or --useCreationDate
Creation date used instead of modification date (if 'true').
[Optional, default = false]

maintain-countCompare the number of objects in Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant via a simple check.

maintain-count - Compare the number of objects in Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant via a simple check.

maintain-count [[-t] string] [[-s] date-time] [[-e] date-time] [-c]

-t or --tenant string
Tenant for which the comparison is to be performed.
[Optional, default = ]

-s or --start-date date-time
Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21'
[Optional, default = firstobjectcreation]

-e or --end-date date-time
End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21'
[Optional, default = today]

-c or --useCreationDate
Creation date used instead of modification date (if 'true').
[Optional, default = false]

maintain-exportExport all objects of a specific tenant. For every object a folder is created, containing the object's metadata in JSON format and its content file if available.

maintain-export - Export all objects of a specific tenant. For every object a folder is created, containing the object's metadata in JSON format and its content file if available.

maintain-export [--tenant] string [[--fetch-size] int] [[--folder-size] int] [[--target-directory] file] [[--start-date] date-time] [[--end-date] date-time]

--tenant string
Tenant for which all objects are to be exported.

--fetch-size int
Fetch size for database requests.
[Optional, default = 1000]
[fetch size must be at least 1]
[fetch size must not be bigger than 100000]

--folder-size int
Maximum number of items per folder to prevent performance issues when browsing folders.
[Optional, default = 5000]
[folder size must not be bigger than 10000]
[folder size must be at least 1]

--target-directory file
Target directory for exported items.
[Optional, default = .]

--start-date date-time
Start date. Every item that was created since this date will be exported (e.g., 2018-03-13). If not specified, the first creation date will be used.
[Optional, default = firstobjectcreation]

--end-date date-time
End date. Every item that was created until this date will be exported (e.g. 2021-03-13). If not specified, the end date is today.
[Optional, default = today]

maintain-repositoryFind files in the S3 storage specified by its repository ID and detect unreferenced files (check for reference in either database dmsobject or dmsobject_oldversions).

maintain-repository - Find files in an S3 storage and detect unreferenced files (check for reference in either database dmsobject or dmsobject_oldversions).

maintain-repository [-r] set [[-i] file]

-r or --repositoryId set
IDs of repositories to be analyzed.

-i or --input file
Path to a file to be used as input instead of the repository ID.
[Optional, default = ]

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