dbs-configure Command

dbs-configure Command

Turn on/off the simulation mode for the reindexing command.

It is possible to reindex Elasticsearch according to the database by means of the dbs-reindex command provided by the /wiki/spaces/YMY/pages/320050357Via the dbs-configure command, the reindxing can be configured to be executed in a simulation mode that does not manipulate any data. In order to actually apply the reindexing to the data, the simulation mode has to be turned off with the dbs-configure command.

These parameters can be given to the dbs-configure command:

-s | --simulation

Turns the simulation mode on (true - parameter is set) or off (false - parameter is not set).

dbs-configure --simulation

The following example code shows the commands together with the corresponding command line outputs for a non-simulation reindexing. The simulation mode is turned off in line 16. In line 19, the reindexing is executed for the default tenant starting from 2020-01-01 and ending on 2022-01-01.

Lt. Commander>help dbs-configure

        dbs-configure - configure timeouts

        dbs-configure [-s]
        -s or --simulation
                turn simulation mode on/off
                [Optional, default = false]

Lt. Commander>dbs-configure
Running dbs-configure setting values simulation('false')
SessionState(simulation=false, reindexing=false)
Lt. Commander>dbs-reindex -t default -s 2020-01-01 -e 2022-01-01
Running dbs-reindex for 'default' from '2020-01-01' to '2022-01-01'

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