| Administrative Commands |
| admin-clear | Clear all caches. | NAME admin-clear - Clear all caches. SYNOPSYS admin-clear |
| admin-config | Retrieve configurations of specific instances. | NAME admin-config - Retrieve configurations of specific instances. SYNOPSYS admin-config [--instance] hel-application-instance OPTIONS --instance hel-application-instance ID of instance of which configurations are to be retrieved. [Mandatory] |
| admin-instance | Retrieve all service instances or get a specific service instance by ID. | NAME admin-instance - Retrieve all instances or get a specific service instance by ID. SYNOPSYS admin-instance [[--instance] string] OPTIONS --instance string ID of instance to be retrieved. [Optional, default = ] |
| admin-logger | Retrieve or set log levels for specific instances and/or loggers. | NAME admin-logger - Retrieve or set log levels for specific instances and/or loggers. SYNOPSYS admin-logger [--instance] hel-application-instance [[--logger] string] [[--level] string] OPTIONS --instance hel-application-instance ID of the instance for which log levels are to be retrieved/set. [Mandatory] --logger string Name of logger within the specified instance for which log levels are to be retrieved/set. [Optional, default = ] --level string Logger level to be set. [Optional, default = ] |
| admin-metrics | Retrieve metric information for specific instances. | NAME admin-metrics - Retrieve metric information for specific instances. SYNOPSYS admin-metrics [--instance] hel-application-instance [--metric-name] string OPTIONS --instance hel-application-instance ID of the instance for which metrics are to be retrieved. [Mandatory] --metric-name string Name of the metric to be retrieved. [Mandatory] |
| Audit Commands |
| audit-cleanup | Clean up audit entries based on the 'cleanupConfiguration.json' configuration for all tenants or for a specific tenant. | NAME audit-cleanup - Clean up audit entries based on the 'cleanupConfiguration.json' configuration for all tenants or for a specific tenant. SYNOPSYS audit-cleanup [-t] string OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which audit entries are to be cleaned up. [Optional, default = ] |
| Database Commands |
| dbs-audit | Retrieve audit entries for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range, by a traceId and/or by an action that has to be matched. | NAME dbs-audit - Retrieve audit entries for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range, by a traceId and/or by an action that has to be matched. SYNOPSYS dbs-audit [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] [[-tr] string] [[-a] string] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which audit entries are to be retrieved. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date string Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = ] -e or --end-date string End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = ] -tr or --trace-id string TraceId that has to match the traceIds of the audit entries to be retrieved. [Optional, default = ] -a or --action string Action that has to match the actions of the audit entries to be retrieved, e.g., '--action=200' for DELETE audit-entry. [Optional, default = ] |
| dbs-configure | Configure timeouts. | NAME dbs-configure - Configure timeouts. SYNOPSYS dbs-configure [-s] [-c] [-f] OPTIONS -s or --simulation Simulation mode turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false'). [Optional, default = false] -c or --cockroach Cockroach-db turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false'). If cockroach-db is turned on, the 'dbs-rename' command will perform updates on database without 'SELECT FOR UPDATE'. [Optional, default = false] -f or --fulltext Full-text index turned on (if 'true') or off (if 'false'). [Optional, default = false] |
| dbs-reindex | Reindex all DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. | NAME dbs-reindex - Reindex all DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. SYNOPSYS dbs-reindex [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which all DMS objects are to be reindexed. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date string Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = ] -e or --end-date string End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = ] |
| dbs-rename | Rename enaio: to system: in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range. | NAME dbs-rename - Rename enaio: to system: in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range. SYNOPSYS dbs-rename [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which renaming is to be performed. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date string Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = ] -e or --end-date string End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = ] |
| dbs-stat | Retrieve a list of storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range. | NAME dbs-stat - stat of dmsobjects in table SYNOPSYS dbs-stat [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which storage statistics are to be retrieved. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date string Set start date, e.g.: -s 2019-01-21 [Optional, default = ] -e or --end-date string Set end date, e.g.: --end-date=2020-01-21 [Optional, default = ] |
| dbs-storage | Retrieve storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants grouped by the corresponding tenant, or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range. | NAME dbs-storage - Retrieve storage statistics of DMS objects in database for all tenants grouped by the corresponding tenant, or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the retrieval to a specified time range. SYNOPSYS dbs-storage [[-t] string] [[-s] string] [[-e] string] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which storage statistics are to be retrieved. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date string Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = ] -e or --end-date string End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = ] |
| Elasticsearch Commands |
| ela-find | Find objects by ID. | NAME ela-find - Find objects by ID. SYNOPSYS ela-find [-i] string OPTIONS -i or --id string ID of the object to be searched for, e.g.: -i f38d7049-6555-468d-b724-8d4fcc6b16e1 [Mandatory] |
| Maintenance Commands |
| maintain-compare | Determine differences within the metadata of individual DMS objects between Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the analysis to objects last modified/created within a specified time range. | NAME maintain-compare - Determine differences within the metadata of individual DMS objects between Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant. Optionally, limit the analysis to objects last modified/created within a specified time range. SYNOPSYS maintain-compare [[-t] string] [[-s] date-time] [[-e] date-time] [[-m] comparison-mode] [-c] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which the comparison is to be performed. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date date-time Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = firstobjectcreation] -e or --end-date date-time End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = today] -m or --mode comparison-mode Comparison mode defining the metadata properties to be compared. Available values are 'COUNT', 'BASIC' and 'ADVANCED'. [Optional, default = ADVANCED] -c or --useCreationDate Creation date used instead of modification date (if 'true'). [Optional, default = false] |
| maintain-count | Compare the number of objects in Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant via a simple check. | NAME maintain-count - Compare the number of objects in Elasticsearch index and database for all tenants or for a specific tenant via a simple check. SYNOPSYS maintain-count [[-t] string] [[-s] date-time] [[-e] date-time] [-c] OPTIONS -t or --tenant string Tenant for which the comparison is to be performed. [Optional, default = ] -s or --start-date date-time Start date, e.g.: '-s 2019-01-21' [Optional, default = firstobjectcreation] -e or --end-date date-time End date, e.g.: '--end-date=2020-01-21' [Optional, default = today] -c or --useCreationDate Creation date used instead of modification date (if 'true'). [Optional, default = false] |
| maintain-export | Export all objects of a specific tenant. For every object a folder is created, containing the object's metadata in JSON format and its content file if available. | NAME maintain-export - Export all objects of a specific tenant. For every object a folder is created, containing the object's metadata in JSON format and its content file if available. SYNOPSYS maintain-export [--tenant] string [[--fetch-size] int] [[--folder-size] int] [[--target-directory] file] [[--start-date] date-time] [[--end-date] date-time] OPTIONS --tenant string Tenant for which all objects are to be exported. [Mandatory] --fetch-size int Fetch size for database requests. [Optional, default = 1000] [fetch size must be at least 1] [fetch size must not be bigger than 100000] --folder-size int Maximum number of items per folder to prevent performance issues when browsing folders. [Optional, default = 5000] [folder size must not be bigger than 10000] [folder size must be at least 1] --target-directory file Target directory for exported items. [Optional, default = .] --start-date date-time Start date. Every item that was created since this date will be exported (e.g., 2018-03-13). If not specified, the first creation date will be used. [Optional, default = firstobjectcreation] --end-date date-time End date. Every item that was created until this date will be exported (e.g. 2021-03-13). If not specified, the end date is today. [Optional, default = today] |
| maintain-repository | Find files in the S3 storage specified by its repository ID and detect unreferenced files (check for reference in either database dmsobject or dmsobject_oldversions). | NAME maintain-repository - Find files in an S3 storage and detect unreferenced files (check for reference in either database dmsobject or dmsobject_oldversions). SYNOPSYS maintain-repository [-r] set [[-i] file] OPTIONS -r or --repositoryId set IDs of repositories to be analyzed. [Mandatory] -i or --input file Path to a file to be used as input instead of the repository ID. [Optional, default = ] |