yuuvis® RAD version 6.16 LTS
Beside smaller optimizations for the user experience like navigating through the dashboard elements and increasing the performance again, the following highlight feature was implemented:
The relevance of found objects in the hit list can be controlled (5 minutes)
For users searching always via full-text but using specific terms such as order or invoice numbers, it is possible to configure the relevance of found objects so they are on top of the hit list.
- make object types more relevant
- make fields more relevant
- make catalog values more relevant
- combinations are possible
Hint: The use of these configurations needs more computing power, so be careful.
yuuvis® Momentum 2.3
yuuvis® architect (10 minutes)
The architect is a new tool that supports you in modeling the client forms and edit their scripts. The next steps for this tool will be the maintenance of users, the configuration of schema, setting up roles sets as well as the localization of technical names for object types and fields.
- model a form
- write a script
- preview a form and debug its script
Integration of Workflow-Engine (15 minutes)
- Architecture and integration approach
- Overview of available functions in backend and web frontend
- Support for CockroachDB and SqlServer available in Momentum 2.4
yuuvis® Impulse
„Ready to run“ – Dokumentenmanagement für jedermann als Software as a Service-Lösung (SaaS) in der Cloud. (30 min.)
slides for introduction