Search Service API

Search Service API

This article is valid as of yuuvis® Momentum Version 2020 Autumn.

This article describes how to use the Search API that supports rapid development of custom clients and is used by our reference implementation of the yuuvis® client.

Table of Contents

Endpoint Method Overview for Search

Full path
HTTP method
Success code
200: OK
Failure codes
401: Unauthorized
422: Unprocessable Entity
Types consumed
Types produced

Request (HTTP body) 

For this request, the data is sent in JSON format.

  "term": "optimal", 				       // optional: a query string is parsed into a series of terms and operators. A term can be a single word  or a phrase.
					 				       // The default operator is AND. For example, the query 'capital of Hungary' is translated to 'capital AND of AND Hungary' 
  "from": 0,         				       // optional: parameter sets the offset for the result list, default is 0
  "size": 20,         					   // optional: parameter allows you to configure the maximum amount of hits to be returned, default is 20
  "aggs": [appClientsystem:leadingTypeId], // optional: the fields for the aggregation should be calculated
  "filters":                               // optional: can be used to restrict the search in respect to special object attributes (baseparams), 
		"lo" : "OR",					   // optional: logical operator, default AND
		"filters" : [ {                    // optional: can be used to restrict the search in respect to special object attributes (baseparams), 
                                           // index data and/or object types. Different filter groups are combined with AND (default) or OR.
      "f": system:createdBy":              // object attribute" 
      "o": "eq",                           // operator: eq = "term" is "equal" to the field value
					                       // 		    in = "term" is containd "in" the field value
                                           //           gt = greater than "v1", lt = less than "v1", gte = greater than or equal to "v1", lte = less than or equal to "v1" 
                                           //           gtlt = greater than "v1" and less than "v2" , etc for gtlte,  gtelt, gtelte, 
      "v1": "smith"
    { "f": "system:creationDate",          // object attribute
      "o": "gtelte",
      "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "v2": "2016-01-10T00:00:00.000Z"
    "appPersonalfile:name": {              // custom field
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "idpic"
    "appPersonalfile:active": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "true"                         // field of type 'boolean' can also be "false"
    "appPersonalfile:employee": {
      "o": "in",
      "v1": [
        "Applicant",                       // list of terms combined with OR
    "appPersonalfile:age": {
      "o": "lte",
      "v1": 50                             // for numeric fields
    "appPersonalfile:status": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": null                          // for any field, this query returns documents that have no value in the named field.
    "appPersonalfile:activesince": {
      "o": "eq",
      "v1": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"    // for date and datetime fields
  "types": [                              // optional: list of object types combined with OR
  "sots": [                               // optional: list of seconary object types combined with OR
    "appClientsystem:leadingType", "appClient:clientdefaults"
  "fields": [         		              // optional: list of general object attributes and index data fields that should be returned in the result
                      				      // if this section is not specified, a default set of general attributes as configured is delivered
    "system:objectTypeId"    		      // default: technical name of the object type as configured 
    "appClient:clienttitle",              // default: individually defined for each object type
    "appClient:clientdescription",        // default: individually defined for each object type
    "system:creationDate",                // default: the date the object was created 
    "system:createdBy"                    // login name of the user who created the object  
   "sort": {    			              // optional: defines the sort order
	   "field" : "system:creationDate", 
       "order" : "asc"                    // control the result order; possible settings are 'asc' and 'desc'

Result (response body)

Each search request for DMS objects always returns an array of DMS objects called objects, even if the result set is only a single object. I.e,. if a single object is requested, the result is a single-element array, given the object exists. Otherwise, the result is an empty array.

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