GET /tenant-management/api/system/tenants

GET /tenant-management/api/system/tenants

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Winter | component version 1.0
Request MethodGET
Response FormatJSON

Retrieves the top-level representation of all realms. It will not include nested information like User and Client representations. Reads the list of all tenants. 

Optionally, the boolean query parameter withSystems can be specified in the request URL. If true, the systems property section is included for each tenant in the response JSON. If false (default), the systems properties section is not displayed.

For each tenant, the following properties are included in the JSON response body:

namestringTenant name.
descriptionstringOnly displayed if available.
enabledbooleanIf true, the tenant is activated. Users can log in.
Section of parameters displayed only if withSystems=true.

ipsbooleanIf true, the tenant is configured in the identity provider.
yuuvisbooleanIf true, the tenant is configured in yuuvis® Momentum.


Meaning of the response status codes:
HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200 OKSuccessful, the data of all tenants have been read.
401 UNAUTHORIZEDThe call was unauthorized.
Request Example

GET /tenant-management/api/system/tenants?withSystems=true

Response Example
    "name": "string777",
    "enabled": false,
    "systems": {
      "ips": true,
      "yuuvis": false
    "name": "YMC",
    "description": "yuuvis management console",
    "enabled": false,
    "systems": {
      "ips": true,
      "yuuvis": false
    "name": "e2e",
    "description": "End-To-End Test System",
    "enabled": true,
    "systems": {
      "ips": true,
      "yuuvis": true
