

This core service manages the storage of binary content files and their renditions. Find here characteristics and configuration options.

Table of Contents


Service Namerepository
Port Range7500-7509
Helm Chartyuuvis


The REPOSITORY service is responsible for the storage management of binary content files. For this purpose, an S3 store is the standard archive solution. Alternatively or additionally, many external archive providers are supported to be connected via the ARCHIVE Service.

Rendition Repository

As of 2021 Winter, a default rendition repository can be configured. Renditions of supported types (listed below) of binary content files assigned to objects can be stored in the default rendition repository. Thus, renditions can be retrieved from storage and are not regenerated for each retrieval request. Whenever a rendition of a supported type is requested for an object, it is retrieved from the default rendition repository. If available, the stored rendition will be returned. If not available, the requested rendition is generated from the binary content file that is assigned to the object, stored in the default rendition repository and finally returned.

The initial generation of a rendition is triggered by its first request.

If a default rendition repository is configured and accessible, the following rendition types are managed in this repository as of 2021 Winter:

pdfapplication/pdfThe PDF representation of the binary content file. No distinction between PDF, PDF/A or PDF with embedded OCR.

If the default rendition repository is not available or not configured, any request for a rendition triggers the generation of a new rendition file. The result is returned but not stored in a repository. Thus, for subsequent requests of the same rendition, it has to be regenerated each time.


The yuuvis® Momentum configuration files for the operation in the Kubernetes cluster are stored on the Git Server configured in the system. In order to change the configuration of a service, you need to access the Git repository. 

Parameters in Configuration Files

The following parameters are referenced from the corresponding profiles. Click a profile in order to display descriptions and default values of the corresponding parameters.

Configuration FileParameter

storage.default-rendition-repository (as of 2021 Winter)

The values for the parameters can be modified as described here.
>> Configuring Services using Profiles.

Read on


This core service enables the connection of a storage provider to yuuvis® Momentum. Find here characteristics and configuration options. Keep reading

Binary Content Files

Binary content files can be imported and assigned to document objects in yuuvis® Momentum. Archiving can be managed and renditions can be retrieved. Keep reading

Basic Use Case Flows

Graphical overviews describing the interaction of the yuuvis® Momentum core services in exemplary basic use case flows.  Keep reading

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