



  • CMIS
    The CMIS-Based Query Language serves to standardize DMS requests with yuuvis® Ultimate. It consists of a subset of the SQL-92 grammar, augmented by a syntax for requesting full text. Thus, the CMIS query language provides a relational view of the data. The virtual tables requested in the FROM clause correspond to DMS object types and the virtual columns requested in SELECT correspond to the CMIS properties (metadata).
    >> "CMIS-Based Query Language"

  • Compound document
    Compound documents are combinations of the binary coding of several individual documents, which can be translated back into the individual documents by means of the intervals (ranges) in which the binary content of individual documents can be found. Compound documents consist of content and metadata, just like any other document (object) in the system.

  • Content digest
    When a document is stored a content digest is generated automatically (Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA256). This digest is returned as a hex-encoded value and is stored together with the metadata of the document. The digest is the only sure way of identifying that object. The hex-encoded value allows you to verify that e.g. the document remained unchanged.
    >> "Endpoint | Validate content digest by ID ..."


  • Document
    Business objects of a type that can contain a content file in addition to its metadata. Content files can be office files, pdf files, e-mails, image files, video, etc.
    >> "Endpoint | Store one or more documents ..."

  • Document object type
    Specialization of the object type class for document objects.


  • Endpoint (operation)
    The yuuvis® Momentum product provides a set of endpoints (functions).
    An endpoint is one end of a communication channel you use as touchpoint for interacting with yuuvis® Momentum from your web application, for example. It can include a URL of a server or service and is the location from which the resources can be accessed to carry out their function.


  • Folder
    Folders are structuring elements in a global, tenant-specific or application schema. They do not have their own content files in contrast to document object types. In yuuvis® Momentum versions 2020 Autumn and older, folders cannot be set up in a hierarchical structure  a folder inside a folder is not allowed. As of version 2.4, a folder hierarchy is possible. Folders allow the grouping of multiple objects and have their own metadata which will not be inherited by the assigned objects. Folders with objects assigned to them cannot be deleted.
    >> Folder Object Type Definition
  • Folder object type
    Specialization of the object type class for folder objects.


  • History
    The history of a business object gives detailed information about the actions and modifications that have been carried out for a given object, e. g., the creation of a document or download of the document file as PDF. Each action or modification is stored in a separate history entry. In yuuvis® Momentum, the object's history protocol is called audit trail.
    >> "Endpoint | Get a list of history entries by ID"


  • Interceptor
    The interceptors allow for project-specific extensions of the yuuvis® Momentum standard process flows. The running process flow can be redirected by a condition set on the processed object that has to be specified in the interceptor definition. Whenever the process flow meets the condition, the project-specific process extension is included for the currently processed object at this position of the process flow. Thus, the alternative process can entirely replace the standard one from this position on or resume the standard process at a specified position.
    >> Interceptors


  • Metadata
    In yuuvis®, metadata are either basic metadata that are determined by the system, e. g., the creator or creation time of an object or describe the specific properties of a business object (custom metadata), e. g., the sender and recipient of an email or the customer number. These metadata can be used as search parameters to find business objects in the system.
    >> "Endpoint | Get document metadata by ID"

  • Multipart body
    For transferring data of several types (e.g. a binary file along with a JSON object) in a single request you typically use multipart body. This type of request combines one or more sets of data, separated by boundaries, into a single body.


  • Object
    In general yuuvis® Momentum manages two main types of objects: folder and documents. The business integrator defines one or more object types and their properties according to specific needs. Any document imported for example will need to be classified as exactly one of the object types defined for documents in the schema of the system. An object contains a set of system-specific basic metadata and depending on its object type it contains custom metadata.
    >> Object Type Definitions

  • Object type
    Any object in yuuvis® Momentum is classified by its object type which can either be a document object type or a folder object type. It defines the properties that the object must have or is allowed to have (properties may be optional). The object type has to be defined in the schema before usage and can reference multiple secondary object types.
    >> Object Type Definitions


  • Rendition
    Document conversion that allows you to carry out transformation processes of various document files into text, pdf, image and more. The PDF can be used, for example, for document previews or dispatching options.

  • Retention
    Retentions can be used to ensure that object or document contents are not deleted or changed by setting a proper expiration date. As soon as an object is under retention its content cannot be deleted or changed before the expiration date, even by users who have a write or delete permission. If an object is under retention, it is still possible to update its metadata. However, the expiration date cannot be removed or replaced by an earlier date.
    >> Document Retention


  • Schema
    The schema is the data model defining the object types and property types. Any object's metadata validation is based on the schema. Furthermore, the schema is essential to be able to compose search queries and conditions in permissions.
    >> Schema - Defining Object Types

  • Secondary object type
    Secondary object types allow you to design a more complex schema. In a way, the idea correlates to the concept of inheritance: they can be used to create property groups which can be referenced by other object types (e.g., documents or folders). Like other object types, a secondary object type itself can have references to properties. By referencing a secondary object type, the property group will be "inherited." In general, secondary object types are abstract and cannot be instantiated.
    There are two ways for secondary object types to be referenced by an object: a static reference, which provides the property group for all the object type’s instances and a floating reference, which allows to add or remove the secondary object type with its property group as needed to or from single instances of an object type.
    >> Secondary Object Types

  • Stateful process
    Stateful processes are those that can be repeated over and over, like the creatiob of various renditions for a document: text, pdf, image and more. They are performed with the context of previous transactions and the current transaction may be affected by what happened during previous transactions. If a stateful transaction is interrupted, the context and history are stored so you can more or less pick up where you left off.
    >> Tagging Objects for Processing

  • System hook
    System hooks are functions that apply to core functions of the yuuvis® Momentum API whenever certain conditions are met and that extend or modify those functions. As such, they serve as a modular, external approach for introducing new functionalities as extensions of already existing ones. There are two different types of system hooks available: AMQP hooks as a pure messaging tool, and webhooks with multiple possibilities.
    >> System Hooks


  • Tag
    A tag describes the status of an object within a process chain independently of the object's metadata. This means that there is no need for a definition in the schema and no triggering of new versions.
    >> Tagging Objects for Processing
  • Tenant
    A client organization that is served by yuuvis®. This organization’s data is stored in a separate database. A specific instance of yuuvis® with accounts and groups.
    >> "Endpoint | Get the raw tenant schema"


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