
Parameters of the configuration file used by the AUTHENTICATION service in productive systems.


Configuration File Nameauthentication-prod.yml
Referenced by Servicesauthentication
Storage LocationGit root directory 


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Defines a path that will be added to the URL automatically if https://<host>/ is called.

server.servlet.session.timeoutDefines the duration for which the session between gateway and client is authorized. Specified in seconds.1800

List of services for which the AUTHENTICATION service endpoints are available. Those services can be accessed via AUTHENTICATION service.

Also external services can be added here.
>> Accessing External Services via AUTHENTICATION Service

- 'authentication'
- 'api'
- 'search'
- 'client'

- 'api-web'
- 'tenant-management'
- 'viewer'
- 'architect'
- 'custom'
- 'userservice'
- 'bpm-engine'
- 'renditionrepository'

- 'dashlet365'
- 'office365'


Definition of permissions for the access to individual endpoints and sub-paths.

Structured as a list of endpoints and their individual access conditions specified via the parameters endpoints, access, method and expose.

Any endpoint that should be accessible via AUTHENTICATION service has to be listed here.

Syntax and examples are described in the article on the AUTHENTICATION Service.

See code block below. (as of 2022 Spring)

Specifies whether the user session states are stored centrally in a Redis database (value redis) or managed by a single AUTHENTICATION service instance (if parameter is not specified).

For scaling and fail-safe operation of the AUTHENTICATION service, set the value redis.

- (as of 2022 Spring)

If true, the AUTHENTICATION service checks the connection to the Redis database at regular intervals.

For scaling and fail-safe operation of the AUTHENTICATION service, set true.


The values for the parameters can be modified as described here.
>> Configuring Services using Profiles.

Default Configuration for 'authorization.accesses:'
    ### Manage-Endpunkte
      - endpoints: /manage/**
        expose: true
      - endpoints: /*/manage/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
    ### API-Endpunkte
      - endpoints: /api/system/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
      - endpoints: /api/admin/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN')
      - endpoints: /api/dms/**
    ### Endpunkte für Swagger-Webclient des API-Gateways
      - endpoints: /api/swagger-ui.html/**,/api/**/springfox-swagger-ui/**,/api/**/swagger-resources/**,/api/**/v2/api-docs/**
      - endpoints: /api/swagger-ui/**,/api/swagger/v3/api-docs/**
      - endpoints: /api/api/system/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
      - endpoints: /api/api/admin/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN')
      - endpoints: /api/api/dms/**
    ### Webclient
      - endpoints: /search/**,/viewer/**,/architect/**
      - endpoints: /client/**
        expose: true
    ### Viewer Service
      - endpoints: /viewer/view/**,/viewer/assets/**,/viewer/download/**
        expose: true
      - endpoints: /viewer/**    
    ### Userservice
      - endpoints: /userservice/**
    ### bpm-engine
      - endpoints: /bpm-engine/internal/**
        # access: denyAll
      - endpoints: /bpm-engine/**
    ### Metricsservice
      - endpoints: /metricsservice/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
    ### api-web
      - endpoints: /api-web/swagger-ui.html,/api-web/swagger-ui/**,/api-web/**/v3/api-docs/**
      - endpoints: /api-web/api/resources/**,/api-web/api/users/**,/api-web/api/bpm/**,/api-web/api/dms/**
      - endpoints: /api-web/api/system/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
      - endpoints: /api-web/api/admin/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN') 
    ### tenant-management
      - endpoints: /tenant-management/swagger-ui.html,/tenant-management/swagger-ui/**,/tenant-management/**/v3/api-docs/**
      - endpoints: /tenant-management/api/system/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
      - endpoints: /tenant-management/api/admin/**
        access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN')
    ### office 365
      - endpoints: /office365/**
      - endpoints: /dashlet365/**