Handling of Process Instances and Tasks

Handling of Process Instances and Tasks

Handling of process instances and their corresponding tasks via the BPM-ENGINE service.

Table of Contents


A process can be instantiated based on a process definition that refers to a process model created via Flowable Modeler UI and deployed to the BPM-ENGINE service. Especially, the concrete tasks included in the process instance are determined by the process model referenced via the process definition.
>> Flowable Documentation

The follow-up process model is included as an example in our installations. It is supported by yuuvis® Momentum client as reference implementation and is also compatible with our developer libraries.

Creating Process Instances

Processes instances are created by starting a process based on a specified process definition. All deployed and thus available process definitions can be retrieved via the GET /bpm-engine/api/process-definitions endpoint. Reference one of the listed process definition objects for your concrete process instance creation by its key. Use the value for the processDefinitionKey in the request body.
>> POST /bpm-engine/api/processes

The (first) task included in the process instance is now available for the assignee (if already pre-defined) or all referenced candidate users.

Retrieving Process Instances

Users can only retrieve process instances that they have started themselves.

There are two endpoints available:

Working on Tasks

Retrieving Tasks

Users can only retrieve tasks that are assigned to them or for which they are a candidate user.

There are two endpoints available:



Only the assignee of a task can take an action on it. An exception is the complete action as described below.

Candidate Users

In order to specify multiple users that should be able to take an action on a specific task, those users can be set as so-called candidate users. It is possible to assign candidate groups as well by specifying a role. Each user with this role will be a candidate user for the corresponding task.

All candidate users are allowed to claim the task and thereby assign it to themselves. As soon as the task is assigned to one of them, it will no longer be available for all other candidate users until the assignee returns it to them. All candidate users are allowed to complete the task without assigning it to themselves when no assignee is specified.


When the first assignee delegates the task to another user, the first assignee becomes the owner. The owner is not overwritten if further delegations are applied to the task. Whenever a subsequent assignee resolves the task, the owner will be set as assignee again. Thus, the owner is responsible for the task completion.

Users can take an action on a task specified by its ID via the POST /bpm-engine/api/tasks/{taskId} endpoint. In the request body, the type of action is set as value for the action property. The following actions are available for the user(s) with the corresponding responsibility.

Value for 'action'ResponsibilityEffect on the Task
completeassignee, candidate users
  • The values for the task variables specified in the request body are updated.
  • The updated task will be a historic task. No further action can be taken on it.
claimif assignee is null: candidate users
  • The first candidate user who claims the task becomes the assignee.
if assignee is not null: assignee
  • The assignee can return the task to all candidate users by setting the assignee property back to null.


  • The user specified in the request body replaces the previous assignee. The original assignee is set as owner of the task.
  • The task property delegationState is updated.
resolveassignee (if appointed via delegation)
  • The previous assignee who called the delegation will again be assignee.
  • The task property delegationState is updated.

Each action that is applied to a task triggers the creation of a new identity link referring to the acting user in the individual task's history, e.g.:

     "type": "assignee",
     "userId": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
     "groupId": null,
     "timestamp": "2021-11-01T12:28:46.447Z"


In order to add messages to a task, comments can be created and assigned via the POST /bpm-engine/api/tasks/{taskId}/comment endpoint. They will be included in the process history in a separate section. The following code block shows an example comment vizualising the corresponding stored data set.

     "id": "00000001-0001-0001-0001-000000000001",
     "author": "aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa",
     "message": "This is the first example comment for the first task.",
     "time": "2021-11-02T13:05:29.099Z",
     "processInstanceId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
     "taskId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000123"

Process Instance History

The process history is available for active tasks as well as for completed tasks. It can be retrieved via the GET /bpm-engine/api/processes/{processInstanceId}/history endpoint.

The response body is a JSON structure containing the following properties.

tasksList of data sets, one for each task within the process. Each data set contains the following parameters:

idID of the task instance.
nameTask name.
descriptionTask description.
assigneeUser ID of the current assignee. If the task is currently not assigned to a user, the value is null.
ownerUser ID of the owner.
createTimeDate and time of task creation.
claimTimeDate and time of last claim action on the task. If the task has not been claimed so far, the value is null.
endTimeDate and time of task completion (action complete). If the task has not been claimed so far, the value is null.
identityLinksList of identity links stored for the corresponding task.

typeType of identity link, e.g., candidate.
userIdID of the user to which the identity link refers. If multiple users are involved, the value is null.
groupIdRole that defines the group of users to which the identity link refers. If only one user is involved, the value is null.
timestampDate and time of identity link creation.
commentsList of data sets, one for each comment that has been assigned to the process.

idID of the comment.
authorUser ID of the user who assigned the comment to the process.
messageComment messsage.
timeDate and time of the comment's assignment.
processInstanceIdID of the process instance containing the task to which the comment was assigned.
taskIdID of the task instance to which the comment was assigned.

Integration in Clients

>> Connection of BPM Engine

Read on

Modeling and Deployment of Process Definitions

Guideline for the creation of process models and their deployment to yuuvis® Momentum. Keep reading

BPM Engine Endpoints

These endpoints allow the management of workflow processes and tasks.
 Keep reading

Connection of BPM Engine

Use the BPM Engine for process and task management within your client. Keep reading

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