Technical Release Notes 7.0

The focus of yuuvis® RAD version 7.0 were updates of relevant 3rd party components. Additionally, some new features and changes took place that will be described in this documentation.

 yuuvis® RAD designer

While saving a changed workflow model, changes in all scripts and forms are saved as well.

 yuuvis® RAD client

CSV export of form tables

The decimal values are formated according to the language the user has set.

If the decimal delimiter is a dot the column separator is a colon. 
If the decimal delimiter is a colon the column separator is a semicolon.

Notifiers are reduced

In case of a successful saving of metadata changes, notifiers are no longer shown. This prevents buttons from being blocked for the time the notifier is visible. 

Changed labels

  • Instead of index data, the more widely known term metadata is used (in  yuuvis® RAD management-studio as well)
    In German: 'Indexaten' → 'Metadaten'
  • We received the feedback that the label 'Context folder' is confusing, so we decided to remove the label Context and use Folder instead.
    In German: 'Kontextordner' → 'Ordner'
  • The button labels of the drop-zone for creating new documents with a file are optimized.
    The first button shows the folder type the new object should be filed in.
    The second button shows the selected element of the folder structure. We removed the term 'selected tree item'.

yuuvis® RAD agent 6.3.1

While initiating the sending of a specific e-mail via a custom action the bcc address can be set as well.

yuuvis® RAD management-studio

In the system settings, it is possible to set for the core service at how many sessions per user no further session will be accepted so that 'OutofMemory' can be avoided. Default is 1000.
If this number of sessions is reached, the core-service API throws error code 429 (Too Many Requests).

REST-WS Interface

  • The technical update operation tasks can be monitored on the Monitor page.
  • It is possible to remove an active session on the  Monitor page as well.