Digest 7.6

yuuvis® RAD repository-manager 4

yuuvis® RAD repository-manager has been renewed and extended. It covers the SAP-archivelink-interface as it did earlier. Additionally, it covers the SAP-ILM-interface. Please note that ILM requires a separate license which needs to be bought.
The version completely replaces the former implementation. This means that uninstalling any older version is necessary before installing the new version incase of an update. The KGS configuration inside yuuvis® RAD repository-manager needs to be done from scratch, because yuuvis® RAD repository-manager now contains the current version of KGS content manager.
There is no need to adapt the configuration in SAP, update the data model for archive link or migrate data.

Fuzzy Search (Search Service)

Beginning with this version, it is possible to enable a fuzzy logic in the the search service. This allows users to mistype their search terms and still find what they were looking for. However, activating this feature has the following consequences:

  • The fuzzy search will find more relevant objects.
  • The performance will decrease slightly.
  • The standard search will find objects for more than one term, i.e., search strings such as "term1 term2", where term1 is in the metadata and term2 in the content, or where term1 is in one field and term2 in another. The fuzzy search will only find objects where both terms are in the same field.
  • Terms like e-mail addresses cannot be found if they are separated by a colon.

Please refer to the documentation on how to configure the fuzzy search: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v70/admin/de/administration/installation/inst_tsk_elasticsearch.htm?Highlight=fuzzy

Retention Management

The retention management has been extended by the following features:

yuuvis® RAD management-studio

  • You can schedule operations to delete objects, e.g., objects that have reached their retention date, by configuring an ESQL statement.
  • All available operations are listed in the clean-up history instead of only those that have been carreid out. This way, it is possible to also schedule the clean-up of operations for those that have not been used yet.
  • The report of the object deletion operation shows a detailed error message as well.

yuuvis® RAD client

When trying to delete an object set for retention, a confirmation dialog will appear informing about the active action. This dialog does not contain a Delete button.

Custom Client Development

The BPM process file can be forced to be refreshed using an event trigger. Use case: In the Inbox, a user clicks a custom or plug-in object action that adds new objects to the process file and forces the process file list to show the new objects as well.

Documentation for Developers

The localization of history endpoints is possible via the backend. By default, the history endpoints are delivered in English and German. If you need translations for other languages in your own client, you may use the keys of the history events. A list of those keys can be found in the REST-WS endpoint getAuditItem.