

Use monitoring and maintenance endpoints of a service running in your yuuvis® Momentum cluster.


As of 2023 Spring, the API gateway offers endpoints to retrieve and manage metrics. For example, it is possible to dynamically calculate the binary storage used by individual tenants. This information could be useful, e.g., for billing purposes.

The following endpoints are available. The URLs contain the metric path parameter to specify the type of metric.

Storage Metric

As of 2023 Spring, the storage metric allows to dynamically calculate the binary storage used by individual tenants, e.g., for billing purposes.

In the endpoint URLs above, use storage as value for the metric path parameter. For example:


The number is calculated from the content stream length stored in the database. The number includes all binary content files assigned to a DMS object or an old version of a DMS object. Invisible objects (flagged with OBJECT_FLAGGED_FOR _DELETION in the search index) are included as well. Binary content files that are referenced by multiple DMS objects (e.g., compound documents) are counted only once. Rendition files are also NOT included.

The initial calculation or triggered recalculation is a counting process via database statements over all tenants. It is managed by the AUDIT Service and its behavior (automation and fail safety) can be adjusted in the AUDIT service's configuration. No storage metric can be retrieved during the counting process in the database. Requests to the GET endpoints listed above return an error.

After the successful counting process in the database, the result is stored in Redis and dynamically updated during any operations on binary content files via API gateway.

Object Count Metric

As of 2023 Summer, the object count metric provides the number of DMS objects (including folder objects) within one specific tenant. In addition, the number of folder objects is provided separately. The information might be used for billing purposes as well as for an emptiness check before removing a tenant from the system.

For the object count metric only the tenant-specific retrieval endpoints GET /api/system/tenants/{tenant}/metrics/{metric} and GET /api/admin/metrics/{metric} are available. In the endpoint URLs above, use objectCount as value for the metric path parameter. For example:


The count includes all current versions of DMS objects regardless of role-based access permissions. Moreover, it includes invisible objects (flagged with OBJECT_FLAGGED_FOR _DELETION in the search index) as well.

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