Catalog Management

Catalog Management

Maintain dynamic catalogs corresponding to selection lists in your yuuvis® Momentum client via a graphical user interface.

Table of Contents


The Catalog management tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles.

Selection lists with pre-defined entries can be used in forms for the properties of your business objects in your client. These selection lists are provided by so-called dynamic catalogs of the Web-API Gateway. Thus, yuuvis® architect allows you to create and modify dynamic catalogs leading to changes in the selection lists displayed in your client.

Managing Dynamic Catalogs

Users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN role can create and edit tenant-specific catalogs and set them to Read-only. Catalogs that are set to Read-only implement non-editable selection lists in your client.
Additionally, tenant administrators can create a tenant-specific copy of global or app-specific catalogs that are not set to Read-only. Each copy can be managed as a tenant-specific catalog. Your client will display the selection list configured in the tenant-specific copy of the global catalog. Changes of the original global catalog do not affect the tenant-specific copy and thus also not the selection list displayed in your client.

Users with the YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR role can create and edit global and app-specific catalogs that are available in every tenant and set them to Read-only. Global or app-specific catalogs that are set to Read-only cannot be copied to a tenant-specific resource.

Start managing catalogs as follows:

  • Click the Catalog management tile to open the catalog management view. Alternatively, click the menu button on the top left and select Catalog management
  • In the Catalogs column on the left, find a tree to navigate though all catalogs available for users of your tenant. Catalogs under System and App are available in each tenant whereas catalogs under Tenant are available only for users within the corresponding tenant.
  • You can either edit existing catalogs or create new catalogs.

Editing Catalogs

The following instructions will help you to customize the selection lists in your client by managing the catalogs.

  • Select a catalog. A new area is opened displaying the data for the selected catalog.
  • If you have the appropriate permissions, you can edit the catalog and its entries.
  • As a YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN you cannot edit global or app-specific catalogs. Instead, the Create tenant copy button allows you to copy the catalog to your tenant resource and edit it as a tenant-specific catalog.
  • Edit the catalog:
    • Decide whether the catalog should be Read-only or not by ticking or not ticking the checkbox.
    • Specify values for the catalog that will be the entries available in the selection list in your client. Enter each of them in the field New entry and confirm with Add. The values cannot be localized.
    • Disable a value by unticking its checkbox.
    • Delete a value by clicking the x icon.
    • Check the Preview sub-area on the right and see what the selection list will look like in your client.
  • Save the modified catalog.

Creating Catalogs

The following instructions will help you to create a new selection list in your client by creating a catalog.

  • You can create catalogs in each resource where you can see a + icon behind the name of the node in the tree. Users with the YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR role will see a + icon behind the System node and behind the individual child nodes of App. Users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN role will see the + icon next to their tenant's node.
  • Click the + icon next to the node where you want to create the new catalog. The New catalog area will be opened.
  • Enter the technical name for your catalog in the Catalog name field. You can localize it afterwards via Localization.
  • Use the editing options described above.
  • Save the catalog.


Configure dynamic catalogs in order to display selection lists with pre-defined entries in forms for the properties of your business objects in your client.

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