Process Management (BPM)
Get an overview of business processes within your tenant via a graphical user interface.
Table of Contents
The Process management (BPM) tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN role.
Processes/Tasks List View
Select the corresponding tab to display either the Processes list view or the Tasks list view (as of 2023 Autumn).
The lists can be sorted by the values of those properties by clicking the corresponding column header. Furthermore, it is possible to filter by specific values for the individual process properties. The value can be specified
- via input field for string properties
- via calendar for datetime properties or
- via selection list for the Status.
It is possible to specify filter values for multiple properties. Internally, the conditions will be concatenated via a logical AND operator.
Processes Tab
All processes within in the currently active tenant are listed. For each process, the properties ID, Process definition key, Name, Started by, Start time, End time, Status and Business key are displayed.
Tasks Tab
As of 2023 Autumn: All tasks within the currently active tenant are listed. For each task, the properties ID, Name, Status, Editor, Owner, Creation time and End time are displayed.
Process Details View
Click a specific process instance in the processes list to display the corresponding process details. Multi-selection is possible.
The details of the selected process are displayed in the aspects Summary, Tasks and Progress.
As of 2023 Summer, the process details view's top bar contains the Delete process and Refresh buttons.
Summary Aspect Area
The Summary aspect area contains the metadata of the selected process instance:
- Status (Running or Completed)
- ID
- Process definition key
- Name
- Started by
- Start time
- End time (if already completed)
- Business key
- Process variables (if available) in a table with the columns Name, Type and Value
Tasks Aspect Area
All tasks belonging to the selected process instances are listed. To sort the list by their individual values for the task properties, click the corresponding column header.
Progress Aspect Area
This aspect area displays the history of the selected process instance.