Custom Action via Object Actions Menu

Custom Action via Object Actions Menu

The CLI component is only working for versions before 9.10. It must be upgraded to Angular 15 as well and will come later.

Example 1: Finalize


In this example, we create our own implementation of the already existing 'Finalize' action.


  1. Use a CLI command to generate a plug-in component with the name finalize-object-action.

    eo g action finalize-object-action
  2. Update finalize-object-action.component.ts to extend DmsObjectTarget and implement SimpleAction interface.

    import {of as observableOf} from 'rxjs';
    import {Component} from '@angular/core';
    import {SimpleAction} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {DmsObjectTarget, SelectionRange} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {DmsService, TranslateService, DmsObject} from '@eo-sdk/core';
      selector: 'eo-finalize-object-action',
      template: ``
    export class FinalizeObjectActionComponent extends DmsObjectTarget implements SimpleAction {
      label: string;
      description: string;
      priority = 0;
      iconSrc = 'assets/_default/svg/ic_finalized.svg';
      group = 'common';
      range = SelectionRange.MULTI_SELECT;
      constructor(private translate: TranslateService, private dmsService: DmsService) {
        this.label = this.translate.instant('eo.custom.action.finalize-object-action.label');
        this.description = this.translate.instant('eo.custom.action.finalize-object-action.description');
      isExecutable(item: DmsObject) {
        return observableOf((item.rights && item.rights.finalize) && !item.lock && !item.isFinalized);
      run(selection: DmsObject[]) {
        selection.forEach(item => {
  3. Use a CLI command to generate labels/translations.

    eo g label eo.custom.action.finalize-object-action.label --en "Finalize (new)" --de "Finalisieren (neu)"
    eo g label eo.custom.action.finalize-object-action.description --en "Finalizes the selected objects." --de "Finalisiert die markierten Objekte."

Example 2: Paint


In this example, we utilize an already existing angular component to open and edit images. The changes will be saved back to the object.


  1. Use a CLI command to generate a plug-in component with name paint-action.

    eo g action paint-action
  2. Update paint-action.component.ts to extend DmsObjectTarget and implement ExternalComponentAction interface.

    import {Component} from '@angular/core';
    import {of as observableOf} from 'rxjs';
    import {DmsObjectTarget} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {DmsObject} from '@eo-sdk/core';
    import {SelectionRange} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {ExternalComponentAction} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {PaintComponent} from './paint/paint.component';
    import {TranslateService} from '@eo-sdk/core';
      selector: 'eo-paint-action',
      template: ``
    export class PaintActionComponent extends DmsObjectTarget implements ExternalComponentAction {
      extComponents = PaintComponent;
      // component = PaintComponent;
      label: string;
      description: string;
      priority = 0;
      iconSrc = 'assets/_default/svg/ic_edit.svg';
      group = 'common';
      range = SelectionRange.SINGLE_SELECT;
      api: any;
      constructor(private translate: TranslateService) {
        this.label = this.translate.instant('eo.custom.action.menu.edit.picture.label');
        this.description = this.translate.instant('eo.custom.action.menu.edit.picture.description');
      isExecutable(element: DmsObject) {
        // enable action only if DmsObject can be edited
        return observableOf(!!element.content && !element.isFinalized && element.rights.edit);
  3. Use a CLI command to install the canvas package.

    npm install -P ng2-canvas-whiteboard
  4. Import CanvasWhiteboardModule module to CustomActionsModule.

    import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
    import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
    import {EoFrameworkModule} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {ActionModule} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {BaseAction} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {PaintActionComponent} from './paint-action/paint-action.component';
    import {CanvasWhiteboardModule} from 'ng2-canvas-whiteboard';
    export const entryComponents: BaseAction[] = [
      imports: [
      declarations: [PaintActionComponent],
      exports: [ActionModule]
    export class CustomActionsModule {
  5. Use a CLI command to generate a plug-in component with name paint inside of paint-action.

    eo g action paint-action/paint
  6. Update paint.component.ts to implement ActionComponent inteface, plus create dialog with canvas.

    import {Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
    import {CanvasWhiteboardComponent, CanvasWhiteboardOptions} from 'ng2-canvas-whiteboard';
    import {ActionComponent} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {EnaioEvent} from '@eo-sdk/core';
    import {PluginsService} from '@eo-sdk/client';
    import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
    // temporary fix: rxjs not compatible
    CanvasWhiteboardComponent.prototype['_initCanvasEventListeners'] = function () {};
      selector: 'eo-paint',
      template: `
        <eo-dialog [title]="'Paint'"
            <div class="canvas-container" [style.minWidth.px]="700" [style.height.px]="1000">
              <canvas-whiteboard #canvasWhiteboard
      viewProviders: [CanvasWhiteboardComponent],
      styles: [`
      ::ng-deep .canvas_whiteboard_buttons,
      ::ng-deep .canvas_whiteboard_button
      { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.2); color:#000; }`
    export class PaintComponent implements OnInit, ActionComponent {
      @ViewChild('canvasWhiteboard') canvasWhiteboard: CanvasWhiteboardComponent;
      selection: any[];
      finished: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
      canceled: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
      canvasOptions: CanvasWhiteboardOptions;
      imgUrl: string;
      api: any;
      static isSubAction = true;
      constructor(private pluginService: PluginsService, private http: HttpClient) {
        this.api = pluginService.getApi();
      ngOnInit() {
        this.canvasOptions = {
          drawButtonEnabled: true,
          drawButtonClass: 'drawButtonClass',
          drawButtonText: 'Draw',
          clearButtonEnabled: true,
          clearButtonClass: 'clearButtonClass',
          clearButtonText: 'Clear',
          undoButtonText: 'Undo',
          undoButtonEnabled: true,
          redoButtonText: 'Redo',
          redoButtonEnabled: true,
          colorPickerEnabled: true,
          saveDataButtonEnabled: true,
          saveDataButtonText: 'Save',
          lineWidth: 4,
          scaleFactor: 1,
          shouldDownloadDrawing: false
        this.imgUrl = `${this.api.config.get().serviceBase}/dms/${this.selection[0].id}/content?type=${this.selection[0].typeName}`;
      onCanvasSave(e) {
        let uri = this.imgUrl.replace('content?', 'contents?');
        this.canvasWhiteboard.generateCanvasBlob((blob: any) => {
          blob.name = 'Bild';
          let files = [blob];
          this.upload(uri, files)
            .then(() => {
              return this.api.dms.getObject(this.selection[0].id, this.selection[0].typeName);
            .then(dmsObject => {
              this.api.events.trigger(EnaioEvent.DMS_OBJECT_UPDATED, dmsObject);
        }, 'image/png');
      upload(uri: string, files: File[]) {
        let formData = new FormData();
        for (let file of files) {
          formData.append('files[]', file, this.api.util.encodeFileName(file.name));
        return this.http.post(uri, formData).toPromise();
  7. Use a CLI command to generate labels/translations.

    eo g label eo.custom.action.menu.edit.picture.label --en "Edit picture" --de "Bild bearbeiten"
    eo g label eo.custom.action.menu.edit.picture.description --en "Edit picture of the selected object." --de "Bild des markierten Objekts bearbeiten."

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