

The recording is available here.


yuuvis® RAD 

Version 8.10, Highlights to be presented (Nikola M., 7 min.)

  • Most of the services are updated from Spring Boot 2.5.13 to 2.7.2. Version 2.5.13 is out of support. (1 min)
  • System operators are supported by entirely resolved domain names for AD-synchronized users who log in via SSO and NTLM. (internal: TUK-1343)
  • The retention management capabilities have been extended. yuuvis® RAD management-studio offers a new operation to extend the given retention time of objects that match an eSQL query. (3 min)
  • The work on yuuvis® RAD management-studio ng (next generation) has started. The old yuuvis® RAD management-studio is based on the outdated AngularJS framework. New next generation will be based on the current Angular version. The first version will be part of yuuvis® RAD 8.16 LTS and will cover only a few features. Until 9.16 LTS, the next generation should replace the old version. The next generation will support OEM capabilities and can be extended with more languages. (2 min)

yuuvis® Momentum

yuuvis Momentum® 2022 Autumn

CORE (Andreas, 8 min.)

  • improved DMS functionality (5 min)

  • extended maintenance possibilities (2 min)

  • support of new third-party software versions (1 min)

Client Libraries, yuuvis® Momentum client as reference implementation, KCIM Customer Portal (Marlies, 2 min.)

  • Saved filters are supported by the #currentuser# and date ranges that are resolved when used at a later time and by different users. (2 min)

Identity Management (Bratislav, 1 min.)

  • Now the Tenant Management API is the single point of access to the IDMS Keycloak. The Web-API Gateway Service, the User Service as well as the BPM Engine Service are requesting the IDM Controller of the Tenant Management API instead of using the Keycloak API. If Keycloak is not used as IDMS, it is possible to implement an IDMS Proxy Service and configure the Tenant Management API to use this instead of using Keycloak. (1 min)
  • Keycloak Proxy can be horizontally scaled, thus providing improved performance/availability.


yuuvis® RAD (Agnieszka, 1 min.)

The documentation for yuuvis® RAD 8.10 is available in English and German as of this week.

yuuvis® Momentum (Agnieszka, 1 min.)

The documentation for the yuuvis® Momentum 2022 Autumn release is available.

Start Pages Revamped

The landing page in our doc portal has been simplified. It now offers you direct links to the release information and a single entry point into the documentation of the current version. The revamped Getting Started page now shows you the most important information at a glance, i.e. a list of entry points for different target groups, links to documentation of the current (e)LTS versions etc. 

Example of a SaaS Implementation "Cloud E-Akte" (Iuliana/Team Phoenix, 30 min.)

The recording of this presentation is available here.

Cloud E-Akte – The easy start in digital records management

Die Cloud E-Akte – Der leichte Einstieg in die digitale Aktenführung