DELETE /api/dms/objects/{objectId}

DELETE /api/dms/objects/{objectId}

As of Versionproduct version 1.0 | component version 1.0
Request MethodDELETE
Response FormatHTTP status code
Required Permissionaction delete and read
>> Roles and Role Sets

Deletes the object specified by objectId.

All old versions of the object are deleted as well.

The assigned binary content files are only deleted from the repository if no other object or object version refers to them.

In the audit trail, the entries 202 and 200 are created. All previous audit entries for the deleted object remain in the database and can still be retrieved via search.

A folder object can only be deleted if it has no child objects, means if there are no objects retrievable via yuuvis® Momentum API that have the specified objectId as value for the system:parentId property.

Request Example
Result Exampleno response body
Meaning of the response status codes:

200 OK

The DMS object with the ID objectId has been deleted

403 Forbidden

Insufficient permissions to perform a delete action.

404 Not Found

The DMS object with the ID objectId can not be found.

409 Conflict

The DMS object with the ID objectId could not be deleted due to retention (for more details click here).