Client Scripting API

Client Scripting API

This article is valid from yuuvis® Momentum, Version 2020 Autumn.

This article describes the Client Scripting API used to develop custom clients as well as client-side form scripts. For more information on building custom clients, refer to the client API documentation.

Table of Contents


The API is available by using scope.api.<more>


Please note that this function is not supported in the form scripts.

scope.api.router.get() returns the Angular router.


scope.api.router.navigate('/versions/edfd46a3-daa9-4192-8223-2cc6d4847314?version=2') leads the application to open the 'version' state  with this object ID focussing version 2.


Please note that this function is not supported in the form scripts

Events can be triggered by a component. Listening components can then react.

Type of events

There are several client-specific events. The most common ones are bundled in the const "yuvEvent."

Inside a form script they are bundled in the "scope.api.events.yuuvisEventType" const .




on logout
the client locale has changedISO locale string
a DMS object was deletedthe deleted DMS object
a DMS object was updated (index data, content, subscription, ...)the updated DMS object
DMS_OBJECTS_MOVEDDMS objects were moved to another folder objectthe moved DMS objects
the dialog stack has changedan object with ID and active status of the dialog


Please note that this function is not supported in the form scripts.

With this function, you can trigger an event of a type mentioned above.

typestringtype of the event

(optional) data associated with the event

scope.api.events.trigger(DMS_OBJECT_UPDATED, dmsObject);


With this function, you can listen to events of the type mentioned above.

typestringtype of the event

Returns an Observable containing type and data.

scope.api.events.on(scope.api.events.yuuvisEventType.DMS_OBJECT_UPDATED).subscribe(event => {
	let dmsObject = event.data;
	let eventType = event.type;


Currently, only the following session function is available.

scope.api.session.getUser() (user information)

The function scope.api.session.getUser() returns the user object, in which the following properties about the currently logged-in user are available. They are read-only.

idSystem ID given by the identity service
usernameLogin name
firstnameFirst name
lastnameLast name
titleDisplayed name in the format of lastname, firstname
emailE-mail address
authoritiesString array with the roles for which the user is authorized
userSettings.localeApplication language in ISO code (de, en, ...) as configured in the client settings

Sample script:

Aktueller Benutzer
// Write information for the current user in a model value
// The model value must be a STRING type.
var u=scope.api.session.getUser(); 
'- Login name				\n'+u.name+'\n'+
'- Roles					\n'+u.authorities.join()+'\n'+


A list of helper functions follows:

sopce.api.util.notifier (display messages)

This helper can be used to display messages in the form of a toaster. 


NameDescriptionColorsince version
success(message[,title])Displays a success messageGreen3.3
error(message[,title])Displays an error messageRed3.3
info(message[,title])Displays an informational messageGray3.3
warning(message[,title])Displays a warning messageOrange4.1


Example: Messages
scope.model['tenMytenant:unlimited'].onchange=function() {
	if( scope.model['tenMytenant:unlimited'].value ) {	
			 scope.model['tenMytenant:firstname'].value +' ' + ...',		// Message
			'Personal information changed'   								// optional: use a short title

The success message is displayed in green.


Please note that this function is not supported in the form scripts

Encodes a file name safe for sending characters beyond ASCII-7bit using quoted printable encoding.

More information to come.


You can use HTTP requests to get data from any service of the system, including custom microservices, which are part of the yuuvis® Momentum microservice infrastructure.

The following standard functions are supported: get, post, put and delete.

If you want a format different from JSON, you have to add a third parameter {responseType: 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'json' | 'text'}.


This function works with a mandatory parameter for the url and a second optional one that controls whether to use the core-api endpoints instead of those of the API-WEB (web-api gateway) which is the primary one for the client.

Example for get
// http.get example: request for extraction data and map value of key to field:
var objectId = scope.data['system:objectId'];
scope.model['extract'].onchange=getextraction;     // idea: if boolean field gets checked, request for JSON-formatted extraction data

// extraction service delivers an object with JSON-based data
function getextraction(){
    if (scope.model['extract'].value){
        var httprequest='/dms/objects/'+objectId+'/contents/renditions/extract';    // call the extraction service
            function(result) {
                scope.model['tenKolibri:subject'].value = [result.data['OS:Subject']];   // map the value to field
            function(error) {
                scope.api.util.notifier.error('Failed to get extraction data', 'Error');


Example for put
// put example to be written


The following script deletes an object:

Example for del
// how to delete an object
var objectId = '7B683C8E19BD492198F6A262D14EF43F';

// use the web-api gateway endpoint:
scope.api.http.del('/dms/' + objectId).then(
	function(result) {
	    scope.api.util.notifier.info('Succeded to delete object: ' + objectId, 'Success');
	function(error) {
		scope.api.util.notifier.error('Failed to delete object ' + objectId, 'Error');


The following example creates a follow-up for the current object:

Example for post
function httppost() {
   var  objectId1 = scope.data['system:objectId'];

   var inst = {
    "variables": [
        "value":"some reminder"
    scope.api.http.post('/bpm/process/instances', inst).then(
        scope.api.util.notifier.info('A follow-up for the following object is created: ' + objectId1, 'Success');
        scope.api.util.notifier.error('A follow-up for the following object could not be created ' + objectId1, 'Error');


This section describes the read access to object information.


Loads a DMS object from the backend

idstringThe id of the DMS object to be fetched.
versionstringoptional: retrieve a specific version of the DMS object.

// example: get object of a given ID
var objectId = '7B683C8E19BD492198F6A262D14EF43F';
	function(result) {
		scope.api.util.notifier.info(result.title, 'Title of Object');
		// index-values can be found in result.data
		// example: result.data.companyname
	function(error) {
		scope.api.util.notifier.error(''+error, 'An error occured');

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