Schema Management

Schema Management

Define properties and object types in a global, app-specific or tenant-specific schema via a graphical user interface.

Beta Version

As of yuuvis® Momentum release 2022 Summer, the Schema management is available as a beta version.

Table of Contents


The Schema management tile is available on the dashboard for users with the YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN or YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR roles.

You can use this graphical user interface provided by yuuvis® architect to define object types and their properties for the business objects in your client application. The object types and properties are defined in schema structures.
>> Object Types

Depending on the roles assigned to the currently logged-in user, it is possible to manage the global schema, app schemata and/or tenant schemata as described below.

The schema management provided by yuuvis® architect uses the corresponding endpoints provided by the Core API and the Web-API Gateway.

The structure of the metadata forms that present the properties of your business objects in your client can be customized by means of the Form Modeling view of yuuvis® architect.

Before you start working on your schemata, it is important to define how the available types of schemata as well as properties and object types will best depict your business use case. Especially as a system integrator with access to the global schema as well as to all tenant and app schemata, you are responsible for the creation and management of a complex configuration with multiple schemata that can refer to each other. With this definition in mind, you can create and edit your schemata.

Selecting/Creating a Schema

Select the schema file you want to read or edit from the Schema selection list on the left side of the Schema management view of yuuvis® architect. Depending on your role, you have read and/or edit permissions:

IconScope Required Role for Read Access
Required Role for Edit Actions






The namespace of the individual schemata indicates their concrete scope: either the entire system, a specific app or a specific tenant.

Note: To create a new app schema, use the endpoint POST /api/system/apps/{app}/schema.

As of 2022 Autumn, a new app schema can be created via the + Plus icon in the top bar of the Schema selection list.

Importing an External Schema File

Import an external XML file from a local directory by clicking Import in the bottom left corner.

Managing Classifications

Classifications can be set for object types and properties in their definition. All available classifications that trigger a specific behavior in a library-based client are described here:
>> Defining Object Types for a Library-based Client

Furthermore, it is possible to specify one or more custom classifications. If you specify a custom classification value, do not use the semicolon character as it is internally used as separator.

Display Modes

yuuvis® architect offers two different display modes.

  • The Model mode allows to manage schemata via a graphical user interface.
  • The XML mode displays the selected schema file in XML format.

Click the Model and XML buttons on the top right to toggle between the two views.

Using the Model Mode

After selecting a schema file, the scope of the schema (the tenant name, the app name or system) is displayed in the header of the left side bar. Below, you can switch between the two tabs Object types and Metadata to display the IDs of object types or metadata definitions that are part of the selected schema file. The object type IDs are grouped by base type (DocumentFolder, and Secondary (extensions)) whereas the metadata IDs are grouped by metadata type (e.g., DateTimeIntegerString, ...).

If no draft is available for the selected schema file, you can either copy the schema version currently used by yuuvis® Momentum or start with an empty schema file to create a new draft.

Creating/Editing Object Type Definitions

  • Select the Object types tab on the left side. If your selected schema already contains object type definitions, they are arranged in a selection list grouped by the corresponding base type DocumentFolder, or Secondary (extensions)
    • Create: Click the + Plus icon next to the schema namespace and choose one of the following object type definitions to be created: DocumentFolder, and Secondary (extensions).
      To add another object type definition to an already existing base type group, click the + Plus icon next to the corresponding base type. 
    • Edit: Display the defined object types by opening the selection list of the corresponding base type DocumentFolder, or Secondary (extensions). Click the object type ID of the definition you want to edit.
  • The base type is displayed in the header of the form view providing an object type configuration form, and the object type ID if specified.
  • Attributes marked with * are required.
  • The properties referenced in the Metadata field area are part of the metadata.
    • To add a property, click the + icon. The Metadata field view is displayed on the right.
    • Create a new property by clicking the + icon in the header of the Metadata field view.
    • Edit a property by clicking the pencil icon.
    • Click a property in the Metadata field view to add it to or remove it from the Metadata field area of the object type view.
  • For document and folder object type definitions: The Used secondary object types area displays all secondary object types by their IDs that are referenced in the document or folder object type definition.
  • Click Apply to introduce your changes into the draft you are currently working on.

Creating/Editing Metadata Definitions

  • Select the Metadata tab on the left side. If your selected schema already contains metadata definitions, they are arranged in a selection list of the corresponding metadata types (e.g., DateTimeIntegerString, ...).
    • Create: Click the + Plus icon next to the schema namespace and select the type of metadata to be created.
      To add another metadata definition to an already existing type group, click the + Plus icon next to the corresponding type.
    • Edit: Display the defined object types by opening the selection list of the corresponding metadata types (e.g., DateTimeIntegerString, ...). Click the metadata ID of the definition you want to edit.
  • The metadata type is displayed in the header of the form view providing a metadata configuration form, and the metadata ID if specified.
  • Attributes marked with * are required.
  • Click Apply to introduce your changes into the draft you are currently working on.

Using the XML Mode

After selecting a schema file, the two views DEPLOYED Schema and DRAFT Schema are displayed. Both of them present a schema in its XML structure as described in the following articles:
>> Schema - Defining Object Types
>> Defining Object Types for a Library-based Client

By clicking the arrows in the right sidebar, you can compare the deployed and draft schemata in the Schema Diff view.

DEPLOYED Schema View

The current version of the selected schema file is displayed. This version is currently used by yuuvis® Momentum. Editing is not possible.

Click Export to save a local copy of the displayed XML file.

DRAFT Schema View

This view displays the draft version for the selected schema file. You can edit and save it to continue your work at a later time.

Click Import to load an XML file from a local directory.
Click Export to save a local copy of the displayed XML file.

Schema Diff View

The deployed schema on the left is compared to the draft schema on the right. Differences are highlighted.

Saving and Deploying a Draft

Via Validate, it is possible to check whether your draft fulfills all requirements for a valid schema.

Click Deploy to replace the schema version currently used by yuuvis® Momentum by your draft schema. The draft is automatically validated. Thus, the process can only be  successful if your draft is valid.

Click Save draft to store your current working status. The draft is not validated.


Schema management via yuuvis® architect supports administrators who are responsible for the creation of object types with a graphical user interface. Schema files containing the property and object type definitions can be edited by means of configuration forms or in their original XML structure.

Read on

Managing the Schema

This tutorial shows how to use the Core API to get the tenant-specific schema of the system, how to validate a schema, and how to bring in a new schema. Keep reading


Customize the labels describing the different metadata properties displayed in your client for different languages. Keep reading

Form Scripting (Client-side)

If you configure custom forms for objects, you can additionally use executable scripts to, e.g., validate data, change data, change field properties - such as "read-only" or "mandatory" - and show context-related messages. Form-related scripts enhance your options by adding further functionalities to support your use cases and processes the best.  Keep reading

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