System Configuration Files

System Configuration Files

Configuration of the core system's behavior via JSON files.

Table of Contents


The yuuvis® Momentum service architecture makes each service retrieve configuration files from a central location managed by the CONFIG service. In addition to the profiles in YAML format, there are system configuration files in JSON format that can be used to adjust the core system's behavior according to the customer's needs.

Available Files

The list of system configuration JSON files and affected services. Click a file name to open a more detailed description and find available parameters.

File NameReferenced byDescription
  • API Gateway
  • COMMANDER Service
  • REPOSITORY Service
  • REGISTRY Service
Configuration of system hooks, split in AMQP hooks and webhooks.
  • API Gateway
  • COMMANDER Service
  • REPOSITORY Service
Activation or deactivation of the CONTENTANALYZER in total, definition of a specific behavior via conditions.
  • API Gateway
  • REPOSITORY Service

Configuration of interceptors.

Note: Not included in standard installations, has to be created manually.

Configuration in Kubernetes

Configuration during Installation

You can set the configuration parameter values in advance during installation.

The configuration parameters are set in the file values.yaml of the yuuvis Helm Chart. Modify a value of the listed parameters or add one of the available parameters listed in the above linked fact sheet of the corresponding system configuration file with your desired value to overwrite its default value.

In order to add an interceptor configuration, add a section interceptorConfiguration to the file values.yaml and specify your desired parameters. Add an entry interceptorConfiguration.json to the systemconfigmap.yaml in the yuuvis/templates folder and reference your section interceptorConfiguration in values.yaml

During the deployment, the settings defined in the file values.yaml will be written into the system configuration files that are read by the services when they are started. 

Changing Configuration of a Running System

For changes on a running system, you need to access your Git server.

Navigate to the system directory of the configuration git repositories' appropriate branch and find a list of the configuration files including the above listed profiles. Open the file, modify it, and check in your changes.

After the modification of a system configuration file you need to restart the services that reference the file in order to apply the changes.

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yuuvis® Momentum Services

The services yuuvis® Momentum Core is made of. Keep reading

Basic Use Case Flows

Graphical overviews describing the interaction of the yuuvis® Momentum core services in exemplary basic use case flows.  Keep reading

Login to the Core API (Java)

This tutorial will give you a brief overview of the most important login procedures for the yuuvis® API system and how to use them in a Java Client application Keep reading

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