PATCH /api-web/api/dms/objects/{id}

PATCH /api-web/api/dms/objects/{id}

As of Version

product version 2020 Autumn | component version 

Request MethodPATCH
Response FormatJSON

Updates the metadata and/or tags of an existing DMS object specified by its object ID id with the data passed JSON format in the request body.

Internally, the core API endpoint PATCH /api/dms/objects/{objectId} is called. Thus, only those properties that are part of the request body are changed. Properties that are missing in the request body are not changed by the update.

The modified DMS object is returned in the response body in JSON format.

Response HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status CodeMeaning
200 OK
401 Unauthorized
Response Example

200 OK

  "appMyapp:SigRequester": "d619d554-542a-4943-b192-b5c4e1ee021c",
  "appMyapp:Signers": [
      "SignerName": "Martin Smith",
      "SignerEmail": "smith@web.de",
      "SignOrder": 1
      "SignerName": "Andreas Blacksmith",
      "SignerEmail": Ruiz@mail.com,
      "SignOrder": 2
  "system:secondaryObjectTypeIds": [

The custom property appMyapp:SigRequester is of cardinality "single", which means that it has only one value.

In this example, the custom property appMyapp:Signers is of type table with two rows and the following columns: SignerName, SignerEmail, and SignOrder.

Setting the system property system:secondaryObjectTypeIds adds secondary object types like appMyapp:SignaturesSOT to the instance or removes them from it.

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