Health Check for Services

Health Check for Services

Check the current status of a service running in your yuuvis® Momentum cluster.


Each core service offers the https://<host>/<service>/manage/health endpoint to retrieve information on its current status. DevOps engineers can thus monitor the liveness and readiness of individual services.

'/*/manage/health' Endpoint

In order to retrieve health information on a service, call the https://<host>/<service>/manage/health endpoint offered by each core service. The status information are retrieved in JSON format similar to the Spring Boot Actuator as described in the Spring Boot documentation linked below.
>> Spring Boot Actuator Web API Documentation.

The JSON structure always contains at least the "status" key with the value being either "UP" or "DOWN".

The endpoint is accessible only for users with specific authorization as defined in the authentication-prod.yml file and controlled by the AUTHENTICATION Service. For the AUTHENTICATION service itself, all /manage/** endpoints are available only for services within the yuuvis® Momentum cluster as described below.

Note: As of version 2021 Autumn, also our additional services offer this health check endpoint similar to the core services.

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