Compound Documents

Compound Documents

Concatenate multiple binary content files as byte arrays in one compound document. Create sub-documents that refer to specified ranges within the total byte array.

Table of contents


Compound documents in yuuvis® Momentum are document objects with a byte array as binary content file. In the byte array, it is possible to concatenate the binary coding of multiple individual files. Sub-documents can be defined such that they refer exactly to the ranges within the byte array where the individual original files are located. A retrieval request for the content file of such sub-documents then returns exactly the binary coding of the individual original files. But also any other range or any combination of ranges can be referenced as content of sub-documents. A retrieval request for the content file of such sub-documents then returns the concatenation of the specified ranges.

In this tutorial, we provide an example scenario for the handling of compound documents and sub-documents.


To work through this tutorial, the following is required:

  • Set-up yuuvis® Momentum system (see Installation Guide)

  • Configured user with appropriate permissions (in the example: clouduser:secret on tenant default)
  • Simple Maven project

Maven Configuration

Our Java client will submit its requests to the Core API using OkHttp 3.12 by Square, Inc. To build the metadata of a compound document and evaluate the responses of the Core API, it also requires a JSON library, with org.json selected in this tutorial. To work with these libraries, the following block must be added to the Maven dependencies in the pom.xml of the project:


Client Configuration

The basis for accessing the Core API is an OkHttp3 client that can issue HTTP requests against reachable URLs. Additionally, we need to define some variables that our OkHttp3 client will use to reach and authenticate at the Core API.

OkHttp3 Client and Variables
String baseUrl = ""; //baseUrl of gateway: "http://<host>:<port>"
String username = "clouduser";
String userpassword = "secret";
String tenant = "default";
String auth = java.util.Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((username + ":" + userpassword).getBytes());
CookieJar cookieJar = new JavaNetCookieJar(new CookieManager(null, CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL));
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().cookieJar(cookieJar).build();

For more information on setting up the OkHttp3 client with cookie handling, see this tutorial on logging into the Core API.

Binary Content of the Compound Document

The binary content of a compound document must be a byte array. All individual files you want to concatenate have to be converted into this format. In the example code block below, FileUtils.readFileToByteArray (File file) is used to convert the contents of a file into a ByteArray (transforming it into binary code). If you want to reference the content of the individual original files lateron, you need to know their length within the byte array to determine their ranges.

convert individual example files
byte[] document1BA = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File("./src/main/resources/test.txt"));
byte[] document2BA = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File("./src/main/resources/test1.txt"));
byte[] document3BA = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File("./src/main/resources/test2.txt"));

long document1BAlength = document1BA.length;
long document2BAlength = document2BA.length;
long document3BAlength = document3BA.length;

The converted individual files can easily be concatenated to an output stream as shown in the next example code block. Pay attention to set the offset correctly in order to not overwrite parts of individual contents. You should store the byte ranges that correspond to the individual original files. In the example, they are stored in the ranges array. Additionally, the original file names of the individual files are stored in the partialNames array. Those values can be used to provide a more convenient recognition of the referenced ranges in the sub-documents' metadata.

Building Content of a Compound Document
//generate file for compound document content
File compoundFile = File.createTempFile("compound", ".bin");
OutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(compoundFile));
//partial document = Teildokument
String[] ranges = new String[3];                     //Byte ranges of the partial documents in the compound document
String[] partialNames = new String[3];        //Names of the partial documents
//write partial document bytestreams into binary compound file
long offset = 0;
String range1 = offset + "-" + (offset + document1BAlength - 1);
ranges[0] = range1;
partialNames[0] = "test.txt";
offset += document1BAlength;
String range2 = offset + "-" + (offset + document2BAlength - 1);
ranges[1] = range2;
partialNames[1] = "test1.txt";
offset += document2BAlength;
String range3 = (offset) + "-" + (offset + document3BAlength - 1);
ranges[2] = range3;
partialNames[2] = "test2.txt";

Metadata for the Object Creation

Creating a Compound Document

The import endpoint POST /api/dms/objects expects a multipart request body. Multiple objects can be created in yuuvis® Momentum with one request. Thus, it is possible to create the compound document with the concatenated byte array as content file and, in the same request, some sub-documents.

As shown in the example objects list below, the compound document is defined first. All following objects are sub-documents. They refer to the same cid like the compound document, but a range is additionally specified. Here, the ranges correspond to the individual original files and their original file names are noted in the metadata of the sub-documents.

Compound Document and Subdocuments
    "objects": [
            "contentStreams": [
                    "fileName": "compound.bin",
                    "mimeType": "application/octet-stream",
                    "cid": "cid_63apple"
            "properties": {
                "objectTypeId": {
                    "value": "document"
                "name": {
                    "value": "testCompound"
            "contentStreams": [
                    "fileName": "compound.bin",
                    "range": "0-1244",
                    "mimeType": "text/plain",
                    "cid": "cid_63apple"
            "properties": {
                "objectTypeId": {
                    "value": "document"
                "name": {
                    "value": "test.txt"
            "contentStreams": [
                    "fileName": "compound.bin",
                    "range": "1245-1338",
                    "mimeType": "text/plain",
                    "cid": "cid_63apple"
            "properties": {
                "objectTypeId": {
                    "value": "document"
                "name": {
                    "value": "test1.txt"
            "contentStreams": [
                    "fileName": "compound.bin",
                    "range": "1339-2610",
                    "mimeType": "text/plain",
                    "cid": "cid_63apple"
            "properties": {
                "objectTypeId": {
                    "value": "document"
                "name": {
                    "value": "test2.txt"

Creating Sub-Documents

It is also possible to create sub-documents of an already existing compound document. Do not assign a binary content file a seconf time, but reference the contentStreamId, repositoryId and archivePath where the binary content file of the compound document is stored. The archivePath is especially required if reconstruction is not possible with metadata information (e.g., if a pathTemplate containing dynamic path elements like DATE is configured in the archive profile). As you can see in the example, you can also specify a concatenation of multiple ranges. 

Metadata for Subsequent Import of Subdocuments
    "objects": [
            "contentStreams": [
                    "contentStreamId": "8FF6DBAE-1969-11E9-83A4-DFA1C5E44BD0",
                    "repositoryId": "repo242",
                    "archivePath": "default/2023/01/06/",
                    "range": "1159-1365,0-45"
                    "mimeType": "text/plain"
            "properties": {
                "objectTypeId": {
                    "value": "document"
                "name": {
                    "value": "sub-concatenation.txt"

Importing Compound Documents

Importing a compound document with the DMS API works in the same way as regular imports via POST of a multipart body with metadata and content to the endpoint /api/dms/objects. In the example, the compoundImportJsonString contains the metadata for the compound document and sub-documents as shown before.

Importing a Compound Document
RequestBody compoundImportRequestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
        .addFormDataPart("data", "metaData.json", RequestBody.create(JSON, compoundImportJsonString))
        .addFormDataPart("cid_63apple", "compound.bin", RequestBody.create(OCTETSTREAM, compoundFile))
Request compoundImportRequest = new Request.Builder()
        .header("Authorization", "Basic " + auth)
        .header("X-ID-TENANT-NAME", "default")
        .url(baseUrl + "objects")
Response compoundImportResponse = client.newCall(compoundImportRequest).execute();

Importing Large Compound Documents

Importing very large compound documents together with the creation of many sub-documents (about 5000 or more) within one request can overload the Core API and cause some of the operations to fail. Therefore, it is recommended to stage such requests in several episodes: First, import the compound document itself as a single document and extract the contentStreamID and repositoryId from the response. From there, import the metadata of all sub-documents subsequently in a series of batch imports. Limit the amount of sub-documents per import to less than 5000 to avoid overloading. 

When subsequently importing sub-documents, please note that the metadata (postSubDocumentImportJsonString in the example) must be sent in a multipart body as well, even if this multipart body consists of only one part.

Subsequent Import of a Sub-document
RequestBody postSubDocumentImportRequestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
        .addFormDataPart("data", "metadata.json", RequestBody.create(JSON, postSubDocumentImportJsonString))

Request postSubDocumentImportRequest = new Request.Builder()
        .header("Authorization", auth)
        .header("X-ID-TENANT-NAME", tenant)
        .url(baseUrl + "objects")

Response postSubDocumentImportResponse = client.newCall(postSubDocumentImportRequest).execute();

Retrieving Sub-Documents

If you request the content of a compound document, you will get the total byte array. However, in most use cases, you want to retrieve a specific section of the total byte array. This is easily possible by retrieving a sub-document with a suitable range value that references the desired section in the total byte array (creation described above). You can retrieve its content by objectId (of the dub-document) as usual and you will get the corresponding section of the compound document's content.

Retrieve the content file of the DMS object specified by 'objectId'
Request getContentOfSubDocumentRequest = new Request.Builder()
        .header("Authorization", auth)
        .header("X-ID-TENANT-NAME", tenant)
        .url(baseUrl + "objects/" + objectId + "/contents/file")

Response getContentOfSubDocumentResponse = client.newCall(getContentOfSubDocumentRequest).execute();

>> Retrieving Documents via Core API

Deleting Compound Documents

If you request the deletion of a compound document, its metadata is deleted from the database. Thus, the DMS object itself does not exist in the system anymore. However, if at least one sub-document references a range within the former compound document's binary content file, the entire original byte array remains in the binary storage. It is even possible to define new sub-documents with reference on the same repositoryId and contentStreamId. Only if you delete all sub-documents of an already deleted compound document, the binary content is deleted as well.

>> Deleting Documents via Core API


In this tutorial, we used an OkHttpClient to import and retrieve a compound document and several sub-documents through the Core API.

A complete code example can be found in this git repository.

Read On

Importing Documents via Core API

This tutorial shows how documents can be imported into a yuuvis® API system via the Core API. During this tutorial, a short Java application will be developed that implements the HTTP requests for importing documents. We additionally provide a JavaScript version of this tutorial.  Keep reading

Retrieving Documents

In this tutorial, we will discuss various ways to retrieve objects via the Core API from the yuuvis® API system using an OkHttp3 Java client. Keep reading

Deleting Documents

This tutorial explains how documents can be deleted using the Core API with the help of a Java client. This tutorial requires basic knowledge of importing documents using the Core API. Keep reading

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