Adhoc Workflow


As the process creator, you select the 'Adhoc-Workflow' action, and then configure the necessary tasks with the relevant recipients and optional periods.

You then start the workflow, and a loop activity processes the routing list task by task.

You can use an optional monitoring and controlling action to observe the progress and modify the remaining tasks.

Here is a preview of the graphical process model:

Important Notes

  • To handle date and time outputs internationally, copy the moment-with-locales.min.js library (download here) to ..<core-service>\standalone\configuration\bpm-script-api\lib
    • Otherwise a Zulu-formatted timestamp is given in the comments track.
  • Screenshots on this page may differ slightly from the current look of this process model.

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Process Start

As the process creator, you can configure the routing list during the process start.

In this example, the column "No" is used as a workaround to sequence tasks. You can have the workflow execute the third task in the list before the second task by changing "30" to a number between 10 and 20. Or you can add a new task with a recipient and a number that sorts it into the desired slot in the sequence. A sorting routine ensures that the tasks are listed and executed in numerical order.

IF the "Changeable" check box is selected, recipients can reconfigure the routing list by editing the remaining tasks or adding new ones. If the check box is not selected, no other users can edit the list during runtime.

Monitoring and Controlling the Process

As the process creator, you can monitor the routing list in your workflow inbox during runtime.

As the process creator, you can monitor the routing list in your workflow inbox during runtime. This needs to be activated on the start form. You can then edit all tasks that are not yet created or add new ones.

For compliance purposes, you can view the initial routing list by clicking the "History" tab.

Executing the Workflow

The recipients get a notification about the things to be done and can leave a comment if desired. The comments are written into the process history.

If the recipient has the corresponding permissions, he can reconfigure the routing list for any tasks still open.

Administering the Adhoc-Workflow

Download the example model at the bottom of this page. To import the model into yuuvis RAD designer, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the downloaded .bpmdef file into your yuuvis RAD designer project directory and open the designer.
  2. Create a model with same namespace and name of the model (namespace: "adhoc", name: "AdHoc-Workflow-x" where x is the version number) you just downloaded and moved into your project directory.

After importing the model, configure the initiators, process owners and the preset task defined in the start form script. Here, you can also limit the number of object types used, or deactivate 'process start with object' for a start without any object.

Then validate the model and if everything is fine, deploy it on your system, move it into a model group in management-studio and activate it.

Process Model Version History





2.013th May 202410.4 or newerA-TeamRefactored script codes to replace deprecated methods
1.2005th May 20249.8 or newerA-Team
  • Fixed bug that the deadline period was only started for the first AdHoc task
  • Fixed a script error occurring if a task was not personalized before the configured deadline ends
  • Changed type of field deadline to Datetime to also allow the time to be set
  • Set property dueTime of activity in addition to deadline period
1.1917th Aug 20239.8 or newerA-Team
  • Simplified localized text content defined in the script codes by using Boilerplate texts
  • Refactored script codes and data field names
  • Field 'initiator' is set automatically in BeforeStartActivitiy script of main activity

1.1826th Apr 2023up to 9.7A-Team
  • Monitoring of process can be activated on the start form
  • Monitoring inbox item shows the current routing list state with "Done" 'true' for created, personalized and forwarded inbox items
  • The first work item is assigned to process creator (instead of the example users "bartonitz" and "widiker" that were previously used by default for the first two sample tasks)

1.166th Sep 2021
Martin Bartonitz / Lars Nock
  • Model parameters set to only 'input', and removed routinglist_2

1.154th Jan 2020
Martin Bartonitz
  • Model can be used with and without an object (bug fixed for use with an object)
    • Adoptions for yuuvis RAD Version 6.0, but can be used in Versions 4 and 5 as well.

1.1221st June 2018
Martin Bartonitz
  • adapted for use with client 4.0

1.1022nd Nov 2017
Martin Bartonitz
  • Bugfix: Problem with finish last task
  • Setting more events to be historitized
  • optimizes process subject
  • javascript conformed technical names

1.916th Sep 2017
Martin Bartonitz
  • A process deadline is configured which finishes the corresponding task. The deadline ist set via API and uses the deadlines which the users set in the routing list.
  • needs release 3.23.2 2017-09-11 or earlier

1.84th Sep 2017
Martin Bartonitz
  • Some namings corrected
  • Routing list is sorted after change now
  • Can be started without object
  • needs release 3.20.x 2017-08-30 or earlier

1.52nd Aug 2017
Martin Bartonitz
  • The name 'period' changed to 'deadline' because this is the standard name for this purpose.
  • Small look & feel changes for the whatabout field and the routinglist in the start form.

1.525th Jul 2017
Martin Bartonitz


  • Preset text for 'What about' and 'Comment'
  • If 'What about' and 'Comment' are empty, some corresponding text
  • Timestamp within 'What about'
  • Some error cases handled in a better way

1.420th Jul 2017
Martin Bartonitz

Start with basics:

  1. Fill routing list during process start
  2. Optional monitoring and controlling task allows changes by the process initiator
  3. Sequential processing of the routing list with only one editor per task. If allowed by the process initiator, the current editor can change the rest tasks of the routing list
  4. Protocol of the processing comments.