General Configurations for Signing

General Configurations for Signing


This article is written for administrators who want to support the users of the yuuvis® RAD client to sign their PDF documents via DocuSign or Adobe Sign. It describes how to set up the service as well as the schema so that the users can request others to sign a specific document file.

Signing-Service as part of the service infrastructure

In yuuvis® RAD 9.16 LTS the new Signing-Service is part of the Service Infrastructure. This service is intended to support the signing of a document file via the DocuSign eSignature platform or the Adobe Sign platform.
The document file must be in Microsoft Office or PDF format.
The following signature types are supported:

  • simple signature (only email address needed)

  • advanced signature (e-mail address and telephone number (SMS) needed)

  • qualified signature (e-mail address and Identity Provider with 2FA and previous registration needed) - only available with DocuSign at the moment (in Germany the Identity Provider is SignMe).

The Signing-Service is planned to add further custom connectors for other signing platforms. This feature is not yet implemented.

Installation and Update

After the installation, the Signing-Service is part of the infrastructure so the following configuration is in place.

Configuration of the Service-Manager

After the update of your system, you have to add the Signing-Service to the service infrastructure by adding this code to the <service-manager>\config\servicewatcher-sw.yml file:

- name: signingservice type: microservice profiles: prod,cloud,red instances: 1 memory: 256M port: 7381 path: ${appBase}/signingservice/signingservice-app.jar

Configuration of the Gateway-Service

These are the routing parameters to be added to the <service-manager>\config\gateway-prod.yml file:

- name: 'signing' url: 'http://signing/signing'


If the Service-Wachter and Gateway are well configured the Signing-Service is part of the services list in the Service-Admin:

Signing-Service Endpoints in the Swagger-Interface

The Signing-Service offers the following five endpoints that can be seen but not directly used in the Swagger-UI that is available via the Service-Admin.
You need a REST-WS client like postman or cURL to try the endpoints with the user access data configured in yuuvis RAD.
Configure the REST-WS client to authenticate according to the chosen gateway instance. For example for a basic auth gateway configure basic authentication and enter your yuuvis® RAD user credentials (admin rights needed).

Endpoints of the signing-controller.

POST http://<gateway>/signing/signing/request/{documentId}

This endpoint is used by the client when the user executes the action ‘Request signatures’. The Signing-Service reads the given signing properties from the object with documentId (Item-ID, Object-ID), fetches the document file, creates the DocuSign envelope, and requests DocuSign. The responded envelopeId is written to the object field ‘yuvsigplatformid’ as well as ‘docusign’ to ‘yuvsigplatform’ to indicate the used signing platform (see the description of all signing properties below).

The payload for the request with two signers can look like this:

{ "signatureType": "advanced", "signers":[ { "signerName":"Anton", "signerPhone":"+49123456789", "signerEmail":"anton@mysystem.com", "signerOrder":1 }, { "signerName":"Berta", "signerPhone":"+49123456787", "signerEmail":"berta@mysystem.com", "signerOrder":2 } ] }

Legend: Example payload for a signing request. The "signatureType": "advanced" is set. In this case, the phone number of the signers has to be included.

GET http://<gateway>/signing/signing/poll

This endpoint forces the service to poll Docusign regarding the requested envelope IDs. Generally the service polls every 30 minutes if documents with the yuvsigstatus equal to inprocess exist. Only users with the privilege Manage system settings can request this endpoint.

If a status has been changed the service is updating the document. And if the signing is completed the signed document file is fetched from Docusign and added as a new version to the document.

For each specific update of the document, a corresponding custom comment is written into the audit (history).

PUT http://<gateway>/signing/signing/cancel/{documentId}

This endpoint is used by the client to cancel the DocuSign signing process. Besides the documentId there is one required parameter: 'reason'.

The Signing-Service reads the envelope ID from the given document with documentId (Item-ID, Object-ID), requests the cancel on DocuSign including the reason, and updates the document with the changed value of the property ‘yuvsigstatus’ to ‘canceled’.

GET http://<gateway>/signing/signing/info/

This endpoint lists the important configurations done in the file signing-prod.yml (see next topic). It is used by the client to read the available signature types simple, advanced, and qualified, as well as the default email subject and body that should be offered in the ‘Request signature’ dialog. A response of the endpoint looks like this:

Legend: Example response of the ../signing/info endpoint
The list of signatureTypesEnabled depends on the configuration of ‘signatureTypes’ in the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml file. This list can be empty, so all elements are optional.

GET http://<gateway>/signing/signing/status/

This endpoint checks the connection status to the set signing platform and informs about the important configurations done in the file <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml (see next topic) as well as of those configurations of the used signing platform that are needed for configurations in the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml file. The “name” of the available providers for the signature types simple, advanced, and qualified has to be set in the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml as described in the next topic.

Only users with the privilege Manage system settings can request this endpoint.

The section availableProviders is exactly from the response of this DocuSign endpoint:

Legend: Example response of the ../signing/status endpoint for a connected DocuSign eSignature account with a simple ("name": "universalsignaturepen_imageonly") and an advanced signature type ("name": "universalsignaturepen_opentrust_hash_tsp") configured.

The section "signatureTypes" is only available for DocuSign.

If the signing platform is DocuSign eSignature and the connection is not possible, the response looks like this:

GET http://<gateway>/signing/.statistics

This endpoint reports the number of signings and affected documents for the following optional parameters:






A value list with the technical name of object types. The default is none for all object types that are derived from the abstract object type yuvsigning


A value list of the catalog yuvsigstatus, default is signed, see others in the description of the signing project.


A value list of the catalog yuvsigtype with simple, advanced, qualified, default is all of them

from and to

A time range, default is the first and last day of the year. Only dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd are allowed.


The Elasticsearch-specific name related to a qualified technical name of an object property or its context (parent)
See the document of the similar expert search in the client: https://help.optimal-systems.com/yuuvisRAD/v100/user/client/en/02-Suchen-und-finden/cln_tsk_suche-experten-modus.htm

Precondition: The signing-service must be configured to use the profile es in the file <service-manager>\config\servicewatcher-sw.yml.

This endpoint can only be requested by users with the role Use signature statistics.

Example request with a list of documentTypes:

Remark: In the URL the parameters can only take one value. Repeat the list parameter with all values needed.

Response example:

Configuration of the Signing-Service

These are the parameters to control the behavior of the Signing-Service in the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml file:

With a service-manager update there might be new parameters for the signing-service that are not automatically added to the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml. You will need to add those manually afterwards as described in the Release Information

To encrypt the keys from the signing platform, use the batch-tool <service-manager>\tools\encode.bat:



possible values



possible values




This parameter controls which platform to use. Currently, only ‘docusign’ for the use of the DocuSign or Adobe Sign platform can be configured.
In the future other platforms will follow.



The maximum number of signers that can handed over to the signing platform. If more signers are handed over the endpoint is responding with an error.



Section for the parameters that need to be configured or that can be configured for the DocuSign platform



This key has to be taken from your DociSign eSginature account.



This key has to be taken from your DociSign eSginature account.



Thits name has to be taken from your DocuSign eSignature account.



The file path to your private key that is needed for a secure communication with the DocuSign eSignature account. This key hast to be generated in your DocuSign sSignature account and save in to the file private.key



Default 50. This is the number of DocuSign envelopes that are part of one requested.



Beginning with yuuvis® RAD version 9.16 and using the DocuSign eSignature platform, users which are requesting signatures can select between these types of signatures.

This parameter contains the followig sub-parameters which are optionally part of the signing/request call and are the same that a user can pick from a list when requesting signatures. The value of these parameters must be one of the DocuSign availableProviders represented by its name .




Adobe Sign:


To be used for simple signatures.

For DocuSign: If the client requests signing without a specific signature type the default universalsignaturepen_imageonly will be used.




Adobe Sign:


The value of this parameter must be one of the DocuSign availableProviders represented by its name and to be used for advanced signatures.

The default is universalsignaturepen_opentrust_hash_tsp
In this case the “sms” option is requested as well and the phone number of the signers had to be entered by the user who requested the signatures.

For Adobe Sign: use the value true



The value of this parameter must be one of the DocuSign availableProviders represented by its name and to be used for qualified signatures.

No default is given because DocuSign offers differend 3rd party Providers.



Time between between the polls of the Signing-Service requesting the signing platform for the status of the files in process. The default is 30 Minutes.

Before polling the Signing-Service checks whether the abstract object type ‘yuvsigning’ is part of the schema. If not an error is logged and the search for objects and the following polling is skipt.



Section for email properties



If the signing request from the client does not includge the emailSubject this string will be used for the sent email to the signers.



If the signing request from the client does not includge the emailBody this string will be used for the sent email to the signers.



The value for this parameter must be the project name where the process model is located (see management-studio/processes/process models). The given process model will be started after the signing process is completed with the yuvisgstatus = signed, experid, revised, and error. A standard process model "Signing-finalization" is provided which finalizes the object if the status is signed, and for each status an info task is sent to the requester.
For more information see this documentation: General Configurations for Signing | Post processing


Preparation of the DocuSign eSignature account to work with the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service

To let the yuuvis RAD ® Signing-Service work with your DocuSign eSignature production account you need to go through the following steps:

Step 1: Create an app for the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service and get the authentication information

First, an app in your DocuSign eSignature developer account for the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service has to be added. Follow these steps:

  • Login with an administrative account to the DocuSign Developer portal at https://account-d.docusign.com/

  • Go to the menu entry "Apps and Secrets"

  • Click on create a new App

  • Give the app a name like 'yuuvis RAD Signing-Service' and copy the integration key shown

  • Click on “generate secret key” and copy the shown secret key for later configurations

  • Click on “generate RSA key pair” and save the shown public- and private-key

  • Enter a redirect URL of your choice - this can also be just http://localhost if you don't know of any

  • Save the app 

Step 2: Granting Consent

The Signing-Service needs a dedicated DocuSign eSignature user account to request signatures. This user account needs full API control of the created app. Therefore, the app (identified by its integration key) must be connected with the user ID of the dedicated account.

The steps for granting this consent are explained in this DocuSign eSignature article (we use “Granting consent individually”)

https://www.docusign.com/blog/developers/oauth-jwt-granting-consent (Further informatin is also available here https://developers.docusign.com/platform/auth/authcode/authcode-get-token/ )

Here is a short summary:

  • Log in as the administrator of the dedicated DocuSign eSignature account and navigate to

  • In the above-mentioned DocuSign documentation consent pattern 2 (“Granting consent individually”) is relevant:
    A URL in the following format must be created:


    • SERVER is https://account.docusign.com (production) or https://account-d.docusign.com (developer demo).

    • CLIENT_ID is the app’s integration key.

    • The REDIRECT_URI is a URI. It must exactly match one of the redirect URIs you defined for the app’s integration key in the DocuSign eSignature Administration tool. The URI must be URL encoded.

  • This URL must be used to log in to the dedicated account. This user will also be announced as the sender of the emails to the signers.

On the page that opens the button “allow” must be clicked. If the browser shows an error after clicking the “allow” button, this is expected and ok. If a new page comes up stating that the URI is not known, then check the URI again, make sure it is URL-encoded and try again.

Step 3: Test the app to get it ready for productive use on the DocuSign eSignature platform

After you have configured the authentication parameters in the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml you have to start the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service and let it be tested for production use following these actions:

  • In the yuuvis® RAD client request signing for 20 documents

  • Sign all 20 documents by opening the link sent in the e-mail of docusign.

  • On the DocuSign Developer portal, click on "Apps and Keys"

  • Click on the "actions" drop-down menu of your app and choose "Start production verification"

  • Wait until DocuSign verified the app (this can take up to 20 minutes)

  • Once verfication succeeded, click on the button to elevate the to the production environment.

  • Switch to the DocuSign Production portal with your administrative account

  • Open the app that now appears in the app list

  • Choose the action "edit" in the drop-down menu

  • Create a new secret key and a new RSA key pair

  • Create a new user in the production environment (or choose an existing one) and copy its ID

  • Update the signing-prod.yml and private.key file with the new values. 

  • Restart the signing-service

Step 4: Production is now live



Preparation of the Adobe Sign account to work with the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service

To let the yuuvis® RAD Signing-Service connect to your Adobe Sign account you only need to fetch your integrationKey and set it encrypted as described above into the file <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml.

When the Integration Key is created, it must be granted the following permissions:
user_read, agreement_read, agreement_write, agreement_send

If you want to use the advanced signature this needs an enabled authentication via code that is sent via SMS. For this, you need to activate the Phone authentication in the Send Settings of your Adobe Sign account.

Remark: See the configuration of the signature types in the signing-prod.yml above

The following shows a part of this configuration for Adobe Sign:

Legend: This is a part of the <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml configuration file where the advanced signature for the platform Adobe Sign is enabled.


Schema definition

This section describes how to set up the schema to enable the signing capabilities in the client.

Derive relevant object types from the signing abstract object type

Beginning with yuuvis® RAD version 9.0 it is possible to derive an object type from more than one abstract object type. Following this concept, we are offering a specific abstract object type that can be added to existing object types so that specific new signing features can be used:

For version 9.16 and later with the additional support of the signature types ‘advanced’, and ‘qualified’.
Last changes: Comment fields are extended to 500 characters.

Beginning with yuuvis® RAD version 10.10 the template project is extended with a process model that can be used for post-processing purposes. For more information see this part of the documentation:
General Configurations for Signing | Post processing

Description of the schema:

The technical name of the abstract object type is 'yuvsigning'

Technical field name

English label


Default size

Technical field name

English label


Default size


Email subject

Used as the subject of the email which is sent to a signer.

A default is configured in the configuration signing-prod.yml



Email message

Used as an additional part of the email message which is sent to a signer.

A default is configured in the configuration signing-prod.yml



Signature type

Prepared for a later version: This is a catalog field with the values ‘simple’, ‘advanced’, and ‘qualified’. The values control which type of signature will be used on the signing platform.

A default is configured in the configuration signing-prod.yml



Requested by

The ID of the requesting user.



Requested on

The Date and time the signatures were requested.



Changed on

The date the status value was changed.




Status of the signing process. The shown values are those of the catalog ‘yuvsigstatus’ described below.




Error message written by the Signing-Service in case of an error. This information is in the apsect ‘Signatures’ only shown to an administrator (role: System-Admin-Role).



Canceled by

The field gets the userid of the one who had canceled the signing process. The client show the user name if given.




This fields get a reason that a user was requested to give, for e.g. if he canceles the signing process.



Signing platform

The technical name of the signing platform that is configured in the signing-prod.yml file and that was used for the signing process.

Currently, only ‘docusign’ is supported.



ID of the signing platform

The ID of the signing process on the external signing platform. In case of the signing platform ‘docusign’ this will be the envelopId. It is used by the Signing-Service to ask the signing platform for its status.




The table listing the signers data.



Signing order

Signer 2 gets an email after signer 1 has signed and so forth.




The name of the signer as offered on the Docusign platform.



Email address

Email address of a signer that is used by Docusign for sending the email.



Phone number

Prepared for a later version:
This number can be used for two-factor authentication.




Prepared for a later version:
The boolean shows whether the signer is not a user of the yuuvis® RAD based system.




The date and time the signer has signed or revised.




The status of the single signing step. This status is set by the Signing-Service. The status ‘inprocess’ is the indicator for the signing service to ask the signing platfrom for the status.
The shown values are those of the catalog ‘yuvsigstatus’ described below.




This field is used to show the comment that the signers has given on the signing platform


The catalog ‘yuvsigstatus’ offers the processing status values:

Technical value name

Neutral label


Technical value name

Neutral label




Set by the Signing-Service after successful transfer to the external signing platform

An audit entry is written to the object history.



Set by the Signing-Service if one of the signers has revised the signing on the external signing plaform

An audit entry is written to the object history.



Set by the Signing-Service if the signing process was timed out on the external signing platform.

An audit entry is written to the object history.



Set by the Signing-Service when a user had cancelled the signing process or an DocuSign administrator has das voided the signing process

An audit entry is written to the object history.



Set by the Signing-Service in any case of error.

An audit entry is written to the object history.


in process

Set by the Signing-Service if the transfer to the signing platform was positiv.

An audit entry is written to the object history.

The catalog ‘yuvsigtype’ offers the list of signature types. The values are:

Technical value name

Neutral label


Technical value name

Neutral label




This signature is not based on a certificate.



This signature is based on a selfsigned certificate.



This signature is based on a certified certificate.

Changing the labels in the object details aspect ‘Signatures’

All labels which are shown in the client can be changed in the language files. These are those used in the aspect ‘Signatures’ (file en.json):


Signing progress

Once the signing process was started by the Signing-Service the service is polling the Docusign platform every 30 minutes. Docusign is sending an email to the next signer. After a changed status is detected on the docusign platform the status information of the object is updated. After the last signer has finished or the process was canceled, the process is closed and a symbol in the object details header is indicating this status.

Supported mime types

Users can request signatures also for Microsoft Office files. In the case of using DocuSign eSignature the file is rendered by this platform to PDF. After completion, the Signing-Service is saving the PDF file to the yuuvis RAD object of the original document as a new version. The filename is the same but added with ‘.pdf’.

This is the list of mime-types for which the action ‘Request signatures’ is offered:

mime type


mime type



Adobe Acrobat


Microsoft Word with extension doc


Microsoft Word with extension docx


Microsoft Excel with extension xls


Microsoft Excel with extension xlsx


Microsoft Powerpoint with extension ppt


Microsoft Powerpoint with extension pptx

Support of DocuSign’s anchors: Position of date, signature, and name

The DocuSign eSignature platform offers the possibility to position the signature, the date of signing, and the name of each signer. They are offering anchors that can be named and placed by using text fields in Word like this:

You have to format the anchor text and text-field box background with white color to make it invisible in the Word document. The text-field box size must stay big enough so that the entire text is visible.
Only for the sign-anchor: The signing graphic will be inserted so that the top frame line is the horizontal middle of the graphic. So account for enough space above the text field.

The Signing-Services is always handing over these anchors to the DocuSign eSignature platform when requesting signatures:

Anchor name


Anchor name



If the first signer starts signing on the DocuSign platform the sign control is placed on the position of this anchor.

If the anchor is not used the signer will be able to place the sign individually.


If this anchor is used the date and time when starting the signing is placed on the given position.


If this anchor is used the name of the signer that is entered during the request dialog in the client is placed on the given position.

For the second signer change the number ‘1' to '2’ etc.

The result on the document looks like this for the name ‘Martin Bartonitz’:

Support of Adobe Sign text tags: Position of date, signature, and name

The Adobe Sign platform offers the possibility to position the signature, the date of signing, and the name of each signer, and much more as documented here: https://helpx.adobe.com/de/sign/using/text-tag.html

Text tags are formatted with {{specific text tag}} and can be placed anywhere in your Microsoft office document or your PDF formatted file. In the following example the date format for the first signer (on the right side) is a German one and looks like 22.08.2023. The date for the second signer (on the left side) will look like Aug 22, 2023.

If the signers are clicking on the requested link in their email they will be guided to sign at the given place.

If the signer is registered on the Adobe Sign platform his fullname will be placed as well.

Canceling the request

During this process, users with edit permission can cancel the process. The client is requesting the cancel endpoint of the Signing-Service which is requesting the signing platform to remove the case. The Signature-Service is writing the ID of the requesting user to the document property ‘yuvsigrequester’ and his given reason in ‘yuvsigreason’.

Localized audit entries

The Signing-Service is updating metadata and content (document file) using the parameter ‘intent’. This intent is written to the audit trail/history. The client is localizing the intent so that the user can read this in his language. These are the intent keys that are written by the Signing-Service:

Intent code

Localization key and its labels in the client (en.json; de.json)

Intent code

Localization key and its labels in the client (en.json; de.json)


EN: 'Signatures were requested.'
DE: 'Signature wurden angefordert.'


EN: 'The document file has been signed by everyone.'
DE: 'Dokument wurde vollständig signiert.' 


EN: 'The signing process was canceled.'
DE: 'Der Signierprozess wurde abgebrochen.'


EN: 'One signature was rejected.'
DE: 'Eine Signatur wurde abgewiesen.'


EN: 'The signing period has expired.'
DE: 'Die Signaturfrist ist abgelaufen.'


EN: ‘The signature process was canceled due to an error.’
DE: 'Der Signaturprozess wurde aufgrund eines Fehlers abgebrochen.'


EN: 'One signature has been completed.'
DE: 'Eine Signature wurde abgeschlossen.'


EN: 'The signed document file was added.'
DE: 'Die signierte Dokumentdatei wurde hinzugefügt.'

Searching for signed documents

The abstract object type ‘yuvsigning’ with the neutral label 'Signing’ is configured with a form as shown below. Users can search for documents that are signed or in the signing process by setting the specific values to find the expected documents.

Signature statistics

Beginning with version 10.10, the client offers a new widget Signature statistics for users with the custom role Use signature statistics that show the number of signatures (number of table rows) and affected documents. It is possible to aggregate the numbers for e.g. the object type (key_type as index used in Elasticsearch for it) or the subsidiary (key_employee_subsidiary as indicated context field of a folder in which the signed document is stored).


The following configurations are possible:

Configuration attribute


Configuration attribute


Title / Titel

This string is presented in the title of the widget and can be 50 characters long. The default is Signature stastics / Singaturstatistik

Document type / Dokumenttyp

This is a catalog offering all object types that are derived from the abstract object type yuvsigning. If nothing is entered all derived object types are included.

Attribute for aggregation / Attribut für Aggregation

Index field that is used in Elasticsearch. The default is no aggregation.
For documentation see the article for the expert search within the client:

Signature type / Signaturtyp

This is a catalog that the type of signature the user can select from in the action Request signatures in the client. Possible values are simple, advanced and qualified. The default contains all types.


A date in the format yyyy-mm-dd / dd-mm-yyyy. The default is the first day of the current year.


A date in the format yyyy-mm-dd / dd-mm-yyyy. The default is the last day of the current year.

Remark: If a value for Attribute for aggregation is configured the corresponding list contains technical labels that are not localized.


Beginning with version 10.10, the signing-service starts a BPM process if configured. This process can be used for the execution of further features like finalizing the object to avoid changes or to inform the requester about the completion. A standard process Signing-finalization is provided with the latest project template. This finalizes the object with the status signed and sends an info-task and an email to the requester. Follow these steps to get this process used:

1. Deploy the process model

Copy the process Signing-finalization in the signing project template to your project, adapt it for your purposes, and deploy it as usual for processes. The following configurations are available:







  • Process labels are prepared for English and German. Add other language labels if needed.

  • As initiator and process owner the role System-Admin-Role is configured. Change this if different roles should be used so that no user will get the start action for this process model.

  • The process can only be started for object types derived from the abstract type yuvsigning.

  • In the BeforeStartActivity script of the main activity the object title is mapped to the process subject, the signing yuvsigrequester is mapped to the process variable recipient that is used to set the performer of the 4 activities, and if the status is signed the object is finalized.

  • In the BeforeStartActivity script of the activities the performer is set. Change this if more or other users should be informed.

  • For each activity, the sending of an email is configured. Only labels in English are used here. Change them if needed. Or remove the configuration if no email should be sent.

2. Configure the post-processing

Remove the # from the line with the parameter process-after-completion in the file <service-manager>\config\signing-prod.yml. If the lines are missing add the lines.

3. Activate the post-processing

Restart the signing-service after this configuration.

Error notification via email

Errors that occur during the cyclic processing of “uncompleted” signature requests are logged in the log file. Beginning with version 10.10, it is additionally possible to active an email for the administrator in the event of an error (errors occurring during interactive requests are not reported with this email)

This feature requires the correct configuration of the email capability inside the management-studio view System. If the recipient is not configured in the signing-prod.yml the one defined in the management-studio is used.

UML Diagrams for signing

Request for signatures

The following diagram shows the sequence of actions after requesting for signatures of a PDF or Office file.


Check of signing status

The signing-service checks by default every 30 minutes the status of each document that was handed over to the signing platform.  The following diagram shows the sequence of actions for this check.


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