Update Instructions 2023 Spring

Update Instructions 2023 Spring

For yuuvis® Momentum version updates, we recommend the usage of our Helm Charts.
>> Version Updates

When updating your yuuvis® Momentum installation from version 2022 Winter to 2023 Spring, manual configuration changes are required for some services.

Table of Contents

Breaking Changes

The following Breaking Changes are incompatible changes we had to deploy into operation, and therefore you—as a yuuvis® user—need to be aware of them and take action accordingly.


New Metrics Endpoints

The AUDIT service requires a Redis connection now. If you use the Helm Charts for your version update, your configuration is automatically adjusted and thus you do not need the following action.
Action: Restart the AUDIT service with the redis profile.

greedy Parameter for Batch Deletion

The DELETE /api/dms/objects endpoint's response is different even in the default request with greedy=false.

New behaviorPrevious behavior
The HTTP status code is always 207 in case of a proper request now.Distinction between defined HTTP status codes 200, 403, 404, 409.

The response body contains the DMS objects (completed as far as possible) that were referenced by objectId in the request body. The options section contains the system:deletionResult that specifies success or failure of the individual objects' deletion.

No response body in case of successful deletion of all referenced objects. Error in JSON format as soon as one object could not be deleted.
The entry points for the webhooks dms.request.objects.deletedms.response.objects and dms.response.objects.delete are reached with the complete objects list even if some referenced objects cannot be deleted.The entry points for the dms.request.objects.deletedms.response.objects and dms.response.objects.delete are NOT reached as soon as at least one referenced object cannot be deleted.

Client Services & Client Development

Web-API Gateway

New idm-controller

The following endpoints were moved from the user-controller to the new idm-controller. They are scheduled to be permanently removed with the next product version.


Update the access configuration for the individual endpoints of the Web-API gateway in the authentication-prod.yml configuration file. The example code block shows the new default configuration for new installations.

### api-web  
  - endpoints: /api-web/swagger-ui.html,/api-web/swagger-ui/**,/api-web/**/v3/api-docs/**
  - endpoints: /api-web/api/system/**
    access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_SYSTEM_INTEGRATOR')
  - endpoints: /api-web/api/admin/**
    access: hasAuthority('YUUVIS_TENANT_ADMIN')
  - endpoints: /api-web/api/dms/**,/api-web/api/bpm/**,/api-web/api/resources/**,/api-web/api/users/**,/api-web/api/idm/**

Business Process Management

BPM Engine

Filtering of Task Lists

The GET /bpm-engine/api/tasks endpoint for the retrieval of a task list now accepts the boolean query parameter isAssigned instead of filter.
Action: Adjust your requests considering following behavior:

  • If isAssigned=true, the endpoint retrieves only tasks that are assigned to the currently logged-in user.
  • If isAssigend=false, the endpoint retrieves only tasks without an assignee for which the currently logged-in user is a candidate user.
  • If isAssigned is not specified in the request URL, the endpoint retrieves tasks that are assigned to the currently logged-in user as well as tasks without an assignee for which the currently logged-in user is a candidate user.

Configurations Enabling new Features

Some new features require manual configuration in order to operate properly after the update to the new yuuvis® Momentum version.


Asynchronous Object Deletion

The asynchronous deletion of DMS objects has to be activated in the serviceConfiguration.json file. Add the following element to the services section:

"api": {
    "asynchronousDeletion": true

Artificial Intelligence Platform

ML Training Pipeline

Improved Metadata Extraction

After the version update to yuuvis® Momentum 2023 Spring, the issuer and receiver metadata extraction for invoice management is not anymore provided by the Issuer-Receiver microservice. Its functionality has been improved and is now provided by the Rule-Based service.

Action: Remove the deprecated Issuer-Receiver microservice and its resources from your cluster.

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