This core service enables the connection of a storage provider to yuuvis® Momentum. Find here characteristics and configuration options.

Table of Contents


Service Namearchive
Port Range7530
Helm Chartyuuvis


The ARCHIVE service is responsible for the connection between yuuvis® Momentum and archive storage systems used for storing binary content files. Its operation is controlled via archive profiles where also a default retention time can be specified.


The yuuvis® Momentum configuration files for the operation in the Kubernetes cluster are stored on the Git Server configured in the system. In order to change the configuration of a service, you need to access the Git repository. 

Parameters in Configuration Files

The following parameters are referenced from the corresponding profiles. Click a profile in order to display descriptions and default values of the corresponding parameters.

Configuration FileParameter


The values for the parameters can be modified as described here.
>> Configuring Services using Profiles.

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SYSTEM Service

This core service manages schemata, role sets and app sets. Find here characteristics and configuration options. Keep reading


This core service manages the authentication of users and applications for the access to services within the yuuvis® Momentum cluster. Keep reading

Basic Use Case Flows

Graphical overviews describing the interaction of the yuuvis® Momentum core services in exemplary basic use case flows.  Keep reading