GET /search/api/search/dsl/check

As of Version

product version 2021 Winter | component version 

Request MethodGET
Response FormatJSON

Retrieves the object types that are available for all available actions on DMS objects for the currently logged-in user. Available actions are create, write, read and delete (see Role set documentation).

The response body is a JSON structure listing the object types grouped in instantiable object types (including folder and document object types) and secondary object types for each action. Every missing action in the response map indicates a prohibited action for this user.

Note: The list of available object types might contain types that are forbidden under specific conditions defined in the role set. If a role contains a permission for the specified action that is limited by a condition, this condition can reference type-specific metadata properties. In this case, the entire condition is always evaluated as true.

Request Example


Response Example
	"CREATE": {
		"secondaryObjectTypeIds": [],
		"objectTypeIds": []
    "WRITE": {
		"secondaryObjectTypeIds": [
		"objectTypeIds": [
    "READ": {
		"secondaryObjectTypeIds": [
		"objectTypeIds": [