yuuvis® RAD
Version 7.16 LTS
The planned release date is December 13, 2021.
The release of version 8.0 is scheduled for March 2022. With the release of version 8.0, the version 6.16 LTS will no longer be supported.
Operations (10 min, Martin)
Security: Encrypted Passwords
The passwords used by any yuuvis® RAD service can now be held encrypted in the configuration files.
After the update, you can manually encrypt old passwords and exchange them using a tool.
Running in Portal with Custom Context Path
yuuvis® RAD can now be installed with a different context path, so that it is possible to operate the system in a portal environment.
An example URL for the client: https://<myDomain>/<myContextPath>/app/client
Running hosted in an OIDC Environment
yuuvis® RAD gateway can be configured to run in an OpenID Connect environment, so that users can log in via the OAuth2 protocol. An installation of the identity provider service Keycloak is required.
yuuvis® RAD agent has been extended for this alternative authentication flow as well.
Support of the OpenAPI Specification
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic.
With the help of the OpenAPI definition, we are able to document the API with less effort and to support developers with Swagger as a standard interface for testing the APIs.
Support of ZUGFeRD 2.1.1 / X-Rechnung
We have updated our extraction-service to process the current ZUGFeRD 2.1.1 invoice format. Over 80 keys of the invoice header can be mapped to yuuvis® RAD properties.
Client (10 min, Martin)
Searching in Table Rows: No Value
The search for table rows without a value is now supported.
Full-text Search: Only in Files or Metadata
This feature can be used, if it is necessary to reduce the number of hits in your hit list. It is possible to search for a certain term in either the metadata or document files only.
Searching the Inbox
To easily find a specific task in a long list of tasks, type your search term(s) in the filter dialog of the task list. The filtered task list will comprise any tasks that contain all search terms regardless of their order.
In-tray and Deletion of Duplicates
If users have uploaded many files as a batch and some of them are duplicates, they can now delete these duplicates from within the In-tray.
Extending the preview capabilities has been made easier (custom clients). For example: exchange the PDF viewing component with one that integrates a Watermark, or add a component that renders CAD files.
The preview of the following file types has been optimized: XML, JSON, and JPEG.
yuuvis® Momentum
The following features are part of the version 2021 Winter (LTS) or will be delivererd with the next version 2022 Spring in February 2022.
Here you can find an overview of the Product Version 2021 Winter LTS.
Here you can find the Product Version 2022 Spring.
Horizontal Keycloak Scaling (5 min, Bratislav)
yuuvis® Momentum can be operated with Keycloak as an authentication provider. However, Keycloak supports only up to 50 realms per instance, and if more realms/tenants are created, its performance degrades considerably.
We have implemented an intermediate service that allows for the horizontal scaling of Keycloak and distributes realms over multiple Keycloak instances, removing the aforementioned limitation.
New Core Features (10 min, Antje)
- Support of newer versions of databases
- New possibilities provided by webhooks
- New rendition cache for created PDF renditions
- New features for maintenance and configuration management
- New options for the authentication process
Client Core and Framework Library - yuuvis® Momentum client as reference implementation (10 min, Martin)
User Permissions
- Create objects: Only those object types are offered that the user is allowed to create.
- Search objects: Only those object types are offered for filtering that he user is allowed to access.
- Delegate a task to another user.
- Accept a task that has been assigned to a role that is assigned to you.
- Due dates are now available.
- The tasks area in the Inbox can be toggled between a table and a list view.
Tenant Management API (2 min, Martin)
Deletion of a Tenant
The deletion of a tenant removes all configuration files like schema, roles, localization, forms, etc. from the config-service.
Still remaining: export and deletion of objects.
Documentation (2 min, Agnieszka)
yuuvis® RAD
The documentation for yuuvis® RAD 7.16 LTS will be available shortly. The release of the English version is scheduled for the beginning of next year.
yuuvis® Momentum
The documentation for the yuuvis® Momentum 2021 Winter LTS release is available. A few highlights are related to the features described above:
- detailed documentation of the BMP-ENGINE service endpoints
- information on how to model and deploy workflows as well as how to handle individual process instances.
- documentation on our Artificial Intelligence Platform which is available as a beta version
New Version Branches
With the release of the latest version, we have also added new branches (spaces) to our documentation. This means that you are now able to access the documentations of the LTS, eLTS and current versions. Please note that you will find the complete release information in the documentation of the current version only (including a history). The other spaces only provide the release information that is relevant for the given release.