GET /api/system/calls/{traceid}

GET /api/system/calls/{traceid}

As of Versionproduct version 2020 Summer | component version 2020 Summer
Request MethodGET
Response FormatJSON
Required Permission

available if listed in authorization.accesses in authentication-prod.yml and the specified access condition is matched.


This endpoint is used to determine all active DMS calls (/api/dms) of the yuuvis® system with the given traceid

Request HeadersAccept: [application/json]
Request Example
Response Example

Each request always returns an array, even if the result set is a single active call. If no active call exists, the response is an empty array.

    "traceid": "5709116F3FB6C00A",
    "type": "READ",
    "tenant": "default",
    "method": "GET",
    "request": "/api/dms/objects/440992a0-905c-441a-8724-1ba9beb79e1b/contents/renditions/text",
    "starttime": 1597926536580