POST /api/system/systemhooks/validate
POST /api/system/systemhooks/validate
As of Version | product version 2022 Summer |
Request Method | POST |
Response Format | HTTP status code |
Required Permission | available if listed in |
Description | Validates the global system hook configuration. The content of the global systemHookConfiguration.json configuration file to be validated is specified in the JSON request body. Its structure is validated and has to match the structure described here. Especially, the type of each defined AMQP hook and webhook has to be valid. To apply a valid global system hook configuration, use the endpoint POST /api/system/systemhooks. |
Request Headers | Content-Type: [application/json] |
Request Example |
{ "systemhooks": { "amqp": [ { "bulkSize": 10, "enable": true, "password": "secret", "predicate": "spel:(contentStreams != null && contentStreams.size() > 0 && contentStreams[0]['range'] != null && contentStreams[0]['range'].length() > 0) ? true : false", "queue": "lc.textextraction", "type": "object.insert.document", "url": "", "user": "clouduser" } ], "webhooks": [ { "enable": true, "predicate": "spel:true", "type": "user.info", "url": "http://organization/api/userinfo/${tenant}/${userId}" } ] } } |
Response Example |